30 seconds after clicking the "Send" button I just found a bug XD, I'm
installing the native launcher when the installer is been built but I should
install it when the user is installing the package, it's a quite easy

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 11:54 PM, David Calavera <david.calav...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I just did some modification to the Mac installer and I think now it could
> be ready for a first version.
> Here is the repo: http://github.com/calavera/jruby-mac-installer
> Basically, now it creates this directories structure when the package is
> installed:
> /Library/Frameworks
>    |
>    | -> JRuby.framework
>             |
>             | -> Versions
>                    |
>                    | -> Current
>                    |
>                    | -> VERSION_NUMBER
>                    ...
> where "Current" is a symlink to the latest version installed and it can be
> easily modified by the user.
> After the creation of the directories the installer modifies the user's
> .bash_profile file to add the Current path to the user's PATH. I grabbed the
> script to do this from python's mac installer so we should check the license
> compatibilities and mention them as authors.
> So, if anyone wanted to build the installer he has to run the script
> "build.sh" and pass the jruby's source directory and its version as
> parameters, i.e:
>     ./build.sh dev/jruby 1.5.0.dev
> it calls ant to create the distribution, installs the native launcher, and
> creates the dmg file.
> I've created one package for test that you can download from
> http://thinkincode.net/JRuby-1.5.0.dev.dmg. It's build with snow loepard
> so jruby is compiled with java 6 since ant delegates to the javac.version
> number.
> I think by the moment, and since it will be official any issue that you
> find could be added to the github's tracker.
> Cheers
> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 6:48 PM, David Calavera 
> <david.calav...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 5:38 PM, Hirotsugu Asari <asari.r...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> On Mar 8, 2010, at 10:26 AM, Nick Sieger wrote:
>>> > On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 2:50 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter
>>> > <head...@headius.com> wrote:
>>> >> Ok, we want to go to RC real soon now. Here's a few things I think are
>>> >> still left unresolved that we need to deal with:
>>> >>
>>> >> * Bugs marked for 1.5 (44 of them). Obviously we're not going to get
>>> >> them all in, so we need to start whittling that list away, starting
>>> >> with the most-critical items.
>>> >> * jruby --java needs test cases, examples, and we need to figure out
>>> >> how it should handle loading associated code (or whether that's the
>>> >> user's responsibility)
>>> As clarified on IRC, this is about 'jrubyc'. :-)
>>> >> * Mac OS X installer?
>>> I don't know if David's on the list, but I do not think that it is close
>>> to releasable yet.
>> Sorry, I'm quite busy these days.
>> Actually, the main problem with the osx installer is to decide how to
>> structure the package. Some days ago I was thinking on create what osx calls
>> a "Framework", like the ruby package bundled with the os, that allowed us to
>> maintain several versions easily. I need to take a look at how python
>> bundles its package:
>> http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Mac/
>> Anyway, Hiro has credentials to write in the repo, feel free to use it or
>> fork it. If anyone more want access just tell me.
>>> >> * Native launcher...is it ready to go?
>>> >
>>> > Ready to go. We're continuing to make tweaks, but those can be picked
>>> > up separately via gem install. We should also move the launcher to
>>> > 1.0.
>>> >
>>> >> * ant/rake integration...anything left to be done?
>>> >
>>> > Nothing major on my list. There are still some weird bugs -- for
>>> > example when converting JRuby's build.xml to .rb and trying to run a
>>> > compile, I get a SEGV. Even though there's a converter class there, we
>>> > probably shouldn't advertise using pure-Ruby Ant projects until some
>>> > of that stuff is ironed out.
>>> >
>>> >> * Quick pass over recently-updated and recently-added bugs to see if
>>> >> there's any easy ones we can drop in
>>> >> * Rails 3 support: I know it's working, because some folks are playing
>>> >> with it...but are there things we should fix? Where do we stand on
>>> >> test cases?
>>> >
>>> > I'll be working on Rails 3 stuff this week and you'll hear from me if
>>> > there's anything serious.
>>> >
>>> > /Nick
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>> --
>> David Calavera
>> http://www.thinkincode.net

David Calavera

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