Hi all,

below is a draft of the board's status report, meant to be sent tonight.
Any correction, suggestions, etc. are very welcome (apologies on advance
for having so little time to review, usually there's an automated monthly
reminder sent by email, which hasn't been sent this month, and as a
consequence of that I've been caught up..)

best regards,
juan pablo


== Anything the board should be aware of?
There are no Board-level issues at this time.

== Releases / Development
Last release, 2.10.1, on 29th May, 2014

Regarding development, this period involved 7 JIRAs solved, most
notable of them Wiki On a Stick functionality being merged into

== Community
Last Committer: David Vittor (dvittor), on 23rd Dec, 2014
Last PMC: David Vittor (dvittor), on 23rd Dec, 2014

This quarter we had another decrease on activity on MLs, with ~20
messages per month at dev@j.a.o, when compared to previous period
(~50), and user@j.a.o also going back to ~4 messages per month (average
of 10 on last period). Questions are being answered, though.

88 (=) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 172 (-5) people subscribed at

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