 Op 14 jan. 2015 14:19 schreef "Juan Pablo Santos Rodríguez" <

> Hi all,
> below is a draft of the board's status report, meant to be sent tonight.
> Any correction, suggestions, etc. are very welcome (apologies on advance
> for having so little time to review, usually there's an automated monthly
> reminder sent by email, which hasn't been sent this month, and as a
> consequence of that I've been caught up..)
> best regards,
> juan pablo
> ---------------
> == Anything the board should be aware of?
> There are no Board-level issues at this time.
> == Releases / Development
> Last release, 2.10.1, on 29th May, 2014
> Regarding development, this period involved 7 JIRAs solved, most
> notable of them Wiki On a Stick functionality being merged into
> trunk.
> == Community
> Last Committer: David Vittor (dvittor), on 23rd Dec, 2014
> Last PMC: David Vittor (dvittor), on 23rd Dec, 2014
> This quarter we had another decrease on activity on MLs, with ~20
> messages per month at dev@j.a.o, when compared to previous period
> (~50), and user@j.a.o also going back to ~4 messages per month (average
> of 10 on last period). Questions are being answered, though.
> 88 (=) people subscribed to dev@j.a.o, 172 (-5) people subscribed at
> user@j.a.o

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