Hi JSPWiki developers,

I am working with JSPWiki since a few years now (as a user) and it is really 
useful for distributing up-to-date information to the team.

We are working a lot with Microsoft Office products, and people like having 
their data stored in Excel tables.
In order to get this data into JSPWiki, I have been working with the "Table" 
It works, and looks good, but formatting is a bit time consuming.

Now I have played around with Apache POI, which is a library to directly access 
Excel Workbooks from Java Code:
The "Worksheet Plugin" extracts the data from from an Excel Workbook, and 
generates a string which then will be parsed by the Table plugin.

Through this, JSPWiki can have a Excel workbook as Attachment on a page, and 
present its content in an ordinary wiki table.


[{WorksheetPlugin src='NameOfAttachedExcel.xlsx' sheetName='MyData' }]

For sure this is just a basic version, which just prints the content of the 
Improvements could be:
- take care of cell formatting, 
- support merged cells, 
- Caching of the content, so that the excel doesn't need to be parsed again and 
- directly create html from the cells instead of using the "Table" plugin, 
- support images and diagrams
- etc. 
But this first version works.

There are a few questions:
- the plugin requires a number of additional .jar files (poi.xml and others). 
  Can I package these additional jar files together with "my" plugin, so that 
the user needs to copy only one .jar file into the WEB-INF/lib directory?

- As I didn't want that the user must install the "Table" Plugin additionally, 
I have included it's unchanged source code into the new plugin. 
  Is it ok to do so? Is there a better approach?

- under which license should I publish the plugin? 
  Everybody should be able to use and improve free of charge. JSPWiki is under 
Apache Software License 2.0; is this what I want for WorksheetPlugin?

- I don't have access to the attachments at https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/ 
<https://jspwiki-wiki.apache.org/>. The wiki won't let me create an Account. 
  How can I get an account here? If the plugin proves useful, should I create a 
page in that wiki?

Sources are here. Please review. This is my first JSPWiki plugin. Looking 
forward to feedback

Download v0.1-alpha:



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