
It's been awhile since I've been involved in the project and I'm not
sure if I'm even still on the committer's list or not.

I've got some space and some of my own requirements that involve work
on JSPWiki plugins, both updating old ones I wrote years ago and some
new ones. This would/could include navigation plugins, the ability to
do tagging and querying on tags via plugins, and likely some plugin-
based text compiling functionality (e.g., you could write a book as a
set of wiki pages and compose the result as a single document, sorta
like XML named entities), etc.

I'm writing to inquire about how the group thinks I might best go about
contributing and publishing these. I've thought about publishing on
GitHub, on some pages on JSPWiki (as we used to do), or my own personal
web pages.

The work would be open sourced and I'm not particularly fussed about
details, i.e., I could do this work privately (as it's really my
own agenda driving it) but I'm happy to share.



Murray Altheim <murray18 at altheim dot com>                       = =  ===
http://www.altheim.com/murray/                                     ===  ===
                                                                   = =  ===
     In the evening
     The rice leaves in the garden
     Rustle in the autumn wind
     That blows through my reed hut.
            -- Minamoto no Tsunenobu

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