Hi Andrew!

unless anyone explicitly removes himself from PMC/committership s/he
remains in there, even if they're inactive for years.
So you can still commit and your vote is still binding too O:-)

The rationale behind that is that merit doesn't expire. Also, anyone's
circumstances or motivations can change over time,
so at any given moment anyone can decide stop contributing becasue
whatever, but that doesn't necessarily mean that
that decission should last forever. By not actively removing anyone, it's
easier to hop on later.

juan pablo

On Sat, Oct 27, 2018 at 5:34 AM Murray Altheim <murra...@altheim.com> wrote:

> > Hi Murray!
> Hi Juan Pablo & Andrew,
> Nice to see you're still on the team. You guys are very dedicated!
> > you're still on the PMC, so you are not only able to commit, but your
> vote
> > on releases is binding too :-)
> Yikes!
> > As the source lives now on Github, you may have to enable 2FA between
> your
> > Apache ID and your Github ID (detailed instructions at [#1]).
> Okay, thanks -- I'll check up on that.
> > Other than that, you shouldn't have any problems pushing code; if there's
> > any problem though, please ping me and I'll try to fix whatever needed
> >
> > As for the plugins, I'd be +1 to host them on the main distribution.
> I have no reason not to host on GitHub, and I guess you've answered my
> question about whether to package them as org.apache.wiki.plugin.* or
> under my own net.neocortext.wiki.plugin.*. I'd thought of them as
> "contributed plugins" but if the team is happy to have them under the
> main distribution I'm certainly fine doing that. It's easier for me as
> well.
> I'll probably start by creating a wiki page for the new plugins so that
> they can be identified (at least initially) as new and have their own
> web pages (for tests, demos, etc.) as such. When we're ready to consider
> having each one as part of the main distribution we can change that
> initial page to then point to the main plugin page.
> I'll probably select a few of the very simple ones as a first set, then
> add the more complicated ones after that.
> My band has a recording session this weekend so I probably will be busy
> for the next few days but I'll get going on the plugins.
> Good to be back,
> Murray
> ...........................................................................
> Murray Altheim <murray18 at altheim dot com>                       = =  ===
> http://www.altheim.com/murray/                                     ===
> ===
>                                                                    = =  ===
>      In the evening
>      The rice leaves in the garden
>      Rustle in the autumn wind
>      That blows through my reed hut.
>             -- Minamoto no Tsunenobu

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