roger that

javadocs are uploading to the staging site now

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 9:31 AM, Tom Cunningham <> wrote:
> Awesome job!
> +1
> On 2/4/14, 9:03 AM, Kurt T Stam wrote:
> Dear jUDDI enthusiasts,
> The new release is here! Long, long overdue and hopefully we won't go this
> long between releases again. The amount of work that when in is pretty
> incredible ( 206 jiras), the brunt of it all done by Alex. Just check out
> the release notes below!
> Here's are some highlights for this version 3.2
> A new end user interface based on Twitter's Bootstrap
> A new administrative user interface based on Twitter's Bootstrap with in
> browser monitoring
> A client side subscription callback API
> Client distribution package
> Many more examples
> WADL to UDDI mappings
> All credentials are now encryptable with command line tools
> Removal of the porlet services
> Deployment templates for Jboss EAP 6+
> Client side digital signature support
> REST style interface for Inquiry API
> Added many more tModels to the base install
> More documentation
> With this release have have two distros, a juddi and a uddi-client. The
> juddi-distro has the server, client and gui, the uddi-client-distro has the
> client, the gui and our TCK. Both distros are staged here:
> The release artifacts are staged in nexus:
> and we have a tag at
> and finally our new website is staged at:
> Please give it a spin and cast your vote. This vote will be open for the
> next 72 hours.
> My vote a huge +1 :)
> Cheers,
> --Kurt
> Sub-task
> [JUDDI-782] - Add v2 API
> Bug
> [JUDDI-405] - Improve LDAP integration
> [JUDDI-581] - Client side digital signature
> [JUDDI-590] - getAssertionStatusReport does not return incomplete assertions
> [JUDDI-593] - Upgrade to the latest CXF version
> [JUDDI-595] - Subscription API NPE, Validation required
> [JUDDI-596] - Subscription callback without a transport type is not
> delivered
> [JUDDI-597] - Binding template access point value is converted toLowerCase()
> [JUDDI-603] - Subscription email notifier shouldn't require mailto: prefix
> [JUDDI-606] - Subscription API does not validate on saveSubscription
> [JUDDI-610] - add canned query support in the console
> [JUDDI-615] - NPE when trying to sign an artifact
> [JUDDI-616] - Build fails on during JAR signing of DigSig Applet
> [JUDDI-619] - jUDDI API wsdl is not synchronized to the code base
> [JUDDI-620] - uddi-tck-test.jar is missing from the bundle
> [JUDDI-622] - no stack traces should be thrown in the console during test
> [JUDDI-623] - WSDL files are not syncronized with JUDDI API ws
> [JUDDI-626] - Create verbiage for WSDL/WADL import with for Juddi-gui
> [JUDDI-630] - Implement Inquiry tmodel
> [JUDDI-631] - Add JAVA_OPTs memory settings for Windows catalina.bat
> [JUDDI-632] - New juddi user console does not display correctly in IE8
> [JUDDI-634] - juddi client's xsd is invalid
> [JUDDI-637] - Add source code documentation to UDDIClerk, UDDIClient,
> UDDIService and more
> [JUDDI-643] - Documentation pom fails
> [JUDDI-645] - NodeId config setting is not honored
> [JUDDI-646] - Configuring the node id causes the splash page to fail to
> render
> [JUDDI-649] - Error importing WSDL from juddi-gui
> [JUDDI-653] - Build fails on Ubuntu using OpenJDK
> [JUDDI-654] - Max Tries delivery count for subscription notification is not
> honored
> [JUDDI-655] - Maximum subscription results count is not honored for asynch
> notifications
> [JUDDI-662] - Name length of j3_signature_transform_data_value too long
> [JUDDI-663] - juddi-gui-disg jar signer is signing the wrong jar file
> [JUDDI-664] - Remove dependency on sun/oracle jdk
> [JUDDI-666] - revise documentation for ddl generation
> [JUDDI-667] - jUDDI should be able to run on a server not connected to the
> www
> [JUDDI-669] - Fix juddi-gui settings page
> [JUDDI-671] - Convert the uddi-samples projects maven
> [JUDDI-675] - exception throw when UDDIClient.stop is called more than once
> [JUDDI-676] - juddi-gui business editor page may not render
> [JUDDI-677] - save business does not validate business key for UDDI key
> rules
> [JUDDI-678] - juddi-gui does not trap expired auth tokens correctly
> [JUDDI-679] - juddi-gui NPE performing find service by id
> [JUDDI-681] - When saving a new business, the business key is not casted
> correctly
> [JUDDI-682] - fix uddi root business entity install file, invalid discovery
> url and type
> [JUDDI-685] - Asciidoc generation fails
> [JUDDI-690] - juddi-client java wsdl2uddi may not include
> uddi-org:protocol:http for all bindings/ports using soap 1.2
> [JUDDI-691] - NPE querying for Publisher Assertions
> [JUDDI-696] - juddi-gui may not generate aes keys using oracle jre without
> jce
> [JUDDI-698] - juddi-gui edit subscription page date picker doesn't work
> [JUDDI-700] - juddi-client add find_endpoints functionality
> [JUDDI-704] - jUDDI API Wsdl in source trunk is not synced with code base
> [JUDDI-705] - SaveNode crashes
> [JUDDI-709] - juddi-gui only the first node is listed in the config settings
> pages
> [JUDDI-711] - digital signature util - add support for trust store
> validation via system properties
> [JUDDI-712] - Add validation for saving projected entities when a signature
> is present
> [JUDDI-715] - Java Annotations Example cleanup
> [JUDDI-716] - Unrecognized Value for Element: X509IssuerSerial
> [JUDDI-718] - juddi-client UDDIClerkServlet does not register annotated
> services on startup
> [JUDDI-721] - juddi-gui edit subscription page incomplete
> [JUDDI-722] - juddi-client does not parse or serialize exception correctly
> [JUDDI-727] - Publish validation does not validate node ownership
> [JUDDI-730] - juddi-gui operational status missing from tmodels
> [JUDDI-732] - Append juddi-migration tool with dependencies to uddi client
> distribution
> [JUDDI-735] - juddi api wsdls do not have fault information listed
> [JUDDI-739] - juddi-gui businessEditor throws up
> [JUDDI-740] - juddi REST services do not function for JSON encoded responses
> [JUDDI-746] - Remove test code from SMTP Notifier
> [JUDDI-749] - juddi-gui may throw NPE on redeploy
> [JUDDI-752] - UDDI_040_BusinessServiceLoadTest fails to run
> [JUDDI-759] - fix typo on juddi-gui service editor page
> [JUDDI-761] - juddi distribution is missing context.xml
> [JUDDI-762] - deleting a publisher should also delete their content, auth
> tokens
> [JUDDI-763] - juddi-gui wadl importer fails to run (no feedback)
> [JUDDI-771] - fix juddi admin console status page "happy juddi"
> [JUDDI-772] - revise uddi migration tool to support importing from version 2
> api
> [JUDDI-775] - juddi-gui last minute enhancements
> [JUDDI-776] - WSDL/WADL2UDDI truncate or split up long descriptions
> [JUDDI-777] - mvn build process is broken in windows
> [JUDDI-785] - find with CASE_INSENSITIVE_SORT throws JPA exception
> [JUDDI-787] - SORT_BY_NAME_DESC find qualifier for find Binding is an
> invalid combo, not flagged by juddi
> [JUDDI-790] - admin console transport broken
> [JUDDI-791] - Login/Logout in admin and juddi-gui
> [JUDDI-792] - Add_Publisher
> [JUDDI-794] - 'admin' users cannot delete items not owned by them
> [JUDDI-795] - juddi-gui settings config page logic issue
> [JUDDI-801] - The UDDIv3 field IsTruncated() is never populated from Find
> APIs
> [JUDDI-802] - publisher defaults to admin
> [JUDDI-803] - keyGenerator not valid
> [JUDDI-804] - find tModel NPE
> [JUDDI-805] - service edit may fail to render correctly under certain
> conditions
> [JUDDI-809] - find service's minimum elements is incorrect
> [JUDDI-813] - find business by tmodel key bag, no result returned
> [JUDDI-816] - business and service editor krgrp kr's are not saved
> [JUDDI-822] - Defaults when saving a publisher are null
> [JUDDI-826] - saveBusiness on an existing business fails no browsers other
> than chrome
> [JUDDI-827] - misc usability enhancements
> [JUDDI-828] - JUDDI fails to deploy on EAP6.x
> [JUDDI-829] - adjust validation rules for bindingTemplate/tModelInstanceInfo
> [JUDDI-830] - importFromWSDL password field should be of type password
> [JUDDI-834] - login always uses the 'default' nodename
> Improvement
> [JUDDI-237] - Extra select queries are run, one for each search result
> related to category bag
> [JUDDI-260] - package console using InVM transport
> [JUDDI-331] - Try adding error msg in the console
> [JUDDI-455] - Add some UI to JUDDI console to display the management
> beans/monitoring
> [JUDDI-556] - Improvements for the UDDI Portal/Administrative web console
> [JUDDI-575] - Referential Integrity Check
> [JUDDI-583] - Productize the TCK test suite
> [JUDDI-594] - Reconfigure jUDDI so that multiple instances can be run from
> the same container with different databases
> [JUDDI-598] - Add additional transports to the base install data
> [JUDDI-599] - Add REST style bindings for Inquiry get_XXX APIs
> [JUDDI-601] - Add more constant fields and documentation to juddi-client
> [JUDDI-602] - Support encrypted values in our config
> [JUDDI-614] - Add additional configuration options juddi-client uddi.xml
> [JUDDI-618] - Encryption enhancements
> [JUDDI-625] - Add REST style bindings for inquiry find_XXX
> [JUDDI-627] - Switch the juddi server to xml configuration file
> [JUDDI-628] - Refactor all configuration settings logically
> [JUDDI-629] - Create unit tests for Cryptor functions, Add Decrypt
> functionality
> [JUDDI-642] - Convert all existing documentation from docbook(xml) to
> asciidoc
> [JUDDI-670] - Document the correct usage of UDDIClientContainer
> [JUDDI-674] - create unit tests for Wadl2Uddi
> [JUDDI-686] - track and map requestors IP address to auth token
> [JUDDI-687] - update business editor to have warning when using v2 keys
> [JUDDI-702] - reduce code duplication for CryptorFactory
> [JUDDI-710] - juddi-gui consolidate all config settings
> [JUDDI-720] - juddi-gui and juddiv3/admin add the ability to insert new
> config elements via browser
> [JUDDI-731] - add constant values for EntityCreator packages and refactor
> [JUDDI-737] - Alter Inquiry API REST endpoints to conform to the recommended
> uri pattern
> [JUDDI-774] - juddi-client refactor confusing method names, add javadoc
> [JUDDI-780] - Add uddiv2 support for the client and server side
> [JUDDI-788] - revise simple publish example
> [JUDDI-793] - i18n juddiv3 admin console
> [JUDDI-796] - refactor admin console class paths to prevent collisions with
> juddi-gui
> [JUDDI-797] - reduce javadoc warnings, format any source code files that
> need it
> [JUDDI-810] - clarify amqp demo instructions
> [JUDDI-811] - use keyboard left and right to page on browse pages
> [JUDDI-815] - cross link all tmodel key references to the tmodel editor page
> [JUDDI-818] - add sort by name for all pickers
> [JUDDI-819] - add to all packages for clearer javadoc
> New Feature
> [JUDDI-314] - Create a juddi-client-bundle-3.0.0 with jar, source and
> javadocs for juddi-client and uddi-ws
> [JUDDI-509] - Support Service Versioning in the jUDDI client
> [JUDDI-546] - After deployed juddiv3-war-3.1.3 on WebSphere 7 default AXIS
> Transport URL's are not working
> [JUDDI-564] - Advanced Browser Example
> [JUDDI-567] - Port the client library to .NET
> [JUDDI-577] - Additional Inquiry/Publish Sample - Advanced
> [JUDDI-578] - Add a client side API for supporting XML Digital Signatures
> [JUDDI-579] - Make a new end user web interface
> [JUDDI-600] - WADL2UDDI Basic Mapping of WADL to UDDI entries
> [JUDDI-607] - Administrative user interface
> [JUDDI-609] - Timeline in console
> [JUDDI-621] - Create documentation and examples for running juddi-client in
> embedded mode
> [JUDDI-633] - Building a Find Qualifiers for comparison operator such as
> "greater then" and "less than" for QoS queries
> [JUDDI-635] - Added encryptable credentials for juddi-client config files
> [JUDDI-636] - Add Subscription callback implementation for the juddi-client
> api
> [JUDDI-638] - Configure buildbot for
> [JUDDI-639] - Create batch and shell scripts for encryption credentials
> [JUDDI-656] - Add config setting to enable/disable sending auth tokens with
> subscription result list
> [JUDDI-668] - Add programmatic access to save the juddi client config file
> [JUDDI-672] - create example notifier implementation
> [JUDDI-673] - Add unit tests for SubscriptionCallbackTests
> [JUDDI-683] - Implement configurable warning banner
> [JUDDI-703] - Adding audit logging for authToken request's and discards
> [JUDDI-713] - Add togglable serialization of uddi entities from the tck
> tests
> [JUDDI-714] - Adding to client distribution package
> [JUDDI-719] - Add more end user options for the digital signature applet
> [JUDDI-724] - example on exporting data from one registry and importing into
> another
> [JUDDI-729] - Create a UDDI migration tool
> [JUDDI-755] - juddi-client add tModel helper functions
> [JUDDI-800] - add per user/session node switcher
> [JUDDI-820] - add an example for using juddiclient with uddiv2 endpoints
> [JUDDI-824] - create dist profile for jboss7/eap6 with hibernate
> Task
> [JUDDI-246] - Complete documentation of the 3.2.0 release functionality
> [JUDDI-283] - Document how to deploy jUDDI using Axis2
> [JUDDI-497] - Create MBean for the UDDIServiceCache
> [JUDDI-613] - Convert the new GUI build to maven
> [JUDDI-617] - Deploy jUDDI in the cloud
> [JUDDI-641] - Add example which uses the ServiceLocator
> [JUDDI-647] - Add a default user account for tomcat to access the admin ui
> pages
> [JUDDI-657] - documentation - rectify "GuideJuddi Configuration" and
> "GuideConfigurationServer"
> [JUDDI-658] - Document how to set logging to debug for jUDDI services
> [JUDDI-659] - remove portal and portlets in favor of the gui
> [JUDDI-660] - create profile for EAP 6.1.1
> [JUDDI-661] - remove endpoint config from the gui's config.xml (since that
> is already defined in the uddi.xml)
> [JUDDI-665] - document how to resign the applet jars for production
> environments
> [JUDDI-688] - package juddi ascii documentation within juddi distro
> [JUDDI-692] - juddi-gui confirm all end user verbiage is i18n-ized
> [JUDDI-693] - juddi-gui setup automatic logouts
> [JUDDI-694] - juddi-gui enable jsp precompiling (build time)
> [JUDDI-697] - juddi-gui complete edit subscription page
> [JUDDI-701] - Run findbugs before release
> [JUDDI-717] - Ensure all sample programs compile and function
> [JUDDI-733] - Remove juddi-console project
> [JUDDI-738] - add REST url into the default install data
> [JUDDI-742] - Add test cases for inquiry REST API
> [JUDDI-756] - Create new JIRA components
> [JUDDI-760] - correct links for mailing list
> [JUDDI-765] - refactoring the juddi-client packages.
> [JUDDI-767] - add maven version information to manifest for juddi-tck-runner
> and juddi-migration-tool
> [JUDDI-768] - Confirm juddi smtp notifier can deliver to authenticated mail
> servers
> [JUDDI-769] - juddi-gui all gui functions are broken due to UDDIClient
> change
> [JUDDI-770] - add juddi-tck-runner to client distribution
> [JUDDI-778] - Update buildbot config for the new maven profiles
> [JUDDI-779] - remove access control interfaces/plugins from juddi-core
> [JUDDI-807] - Test juddi-gui-disg applet on MacOS
> [JUDDI-814] - update install data to reflect wsdl/wadl to uddi mappings
> [JUDDI-817] - confirm that we can't reference a 'marked as deleted' tmodel

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