+1 Really well done. Incredible  amount of work.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 4, 2014, at 9:03 AM, Kurt T Stam <kurt.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear jUDDI enthusiasts,
> The new release is here! Long, long overdue and hopefully we won't go this 
> long between releases again. The amount of work that when in is pretty 
> incredible ( 206 jiras), the brunt of it all done by Alex. Just check out the 
> release notes below!
> Here’s are some highlights for this version 3.2
> A new end user interface based on Twitter’s Bootstrap
> A new administrative user interface based on Twitter’s                 
> Bootstrap with in browser monitoring
> A client side subscription callback API
> Client distribution package
> Many more examples
> WADL to UDDI mappings
> All credentials are now encryptable with command line tools
> Removal of the porlet services
> Deployment templates for Jboss EAP 6+
> Client side digital signature support
> REST style interface for Inquiry API
> Added many more tModels to the base install
> More documentation
> With this release have have two distros, a juddi and a uddi-client. The 
> juddi-distro has the server, client and gui, the uddi-client-distro has the 
> client, the gui and our TCK. Both distros are staged here:
> http://people.apache.org/~kstam/releases/juddi-3.2.0/
> The release artifacts are staged in nexus:
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachejuddi-1001/
> and we have a tag at
> http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/juddi/tags/juddi-3.2.0/
> and finally our new website is staged at:
> http://juddi.staging.apache.org/
> Please give it a spin and cast your vote. This vote will be open for the next 
> 72 hours.
> My vote a huge +1 :)
> Cheers,
> --Kurt
> Sub-task
> [JUDDI-782] - Add v2 API
> Bug
> [JUDDI-405] - Improve LDAP integration
> [JUDDI-581] - Client side digital signature
> [JUDDI-590] - getAssertionStatusReport does not return incomplete assertions
> [JUDDI-593] - Upgrade to the latest CXF version
> [JUDDI-595] - Subscription API NPE, Validation required
> [JUDDI-596] - Subscription callback without a transport type is not delivered
> [JUDDI-597] - Binding template access point value is converted toLowerCase()
> [JUDDI-603] - Subscription email notifier shouldn't require mailto: prefix
> [JUDDI-606] - Subscription API does not validate on saveSubscription
> [JUDDI-610] - add canned query support in the console
> [JUDDI-615] - NPE when trying to sign an artifact
> [JUDDI-616] - Build fails on during JAR signing of DigSig Applet
> [JUDDI-619] - jUDDI API wsdl is not synchronized to the code base
> [JUDDI-620] - uddi-tck-test.jar is missing from the bundle
> [JUDDI-622] - no stack traces should be thrown in the console during test
> [JUDDI-623] - WSDL files are not syncronized with JUDDI API ws
> [JUDDI-626] - Create verbiage for WSDL/WADL import with for Juddi-gui
> [JUDDI-630] - Implement Inquiry tmodel uddi:uddi.org:findqualifier:orallkeys
> [JUDDI-631] - Add JAVA_OPTs memory settings for Windows catalina.bat
> [JUDDI-632] - New juddi user console does not display correctly in IE8
> [JUDDI-634] - juddi client's xsd is invalid
> [JUDDI-637] - Add source code documentation to UDDIClerk, UDDIClient, 
> UDDIService and more
> [JUDDI-643] - Documentation pom fails
> [JUDDI-645] - NodeId config setting is not honored
> [JUDDI-646] - Configuring the node id causes the splash page to fail to render
> [JUDDI-649] - Error importing WSDL from juddi-gui
> [JUDDI-653] - Build fails on Ubuntu using OpenJDK
> [JUDDI-654] - Max Tries delivery count for subscription notification is not 
> honored
> [JUDDI-655] - Maximum subscription results count is not honored for asynch 
> notifications
> [JUDDI-662] - Name length of j3_signature_transform_data_value too long
> [JUDDI-663] - juddi-gui-disg jar signer is signing the wrong jar file
> [JUDDI-664] - Remove dependency on sun/oracle jdk
> [JUDDI-666] - revise documentation for ddl generation
> [JUDDI-667] - jUDDI should be able to run on a server not connected to the www
> [JUDDI-669] - Fix juddi-gui settings page
> [JUDDI-671] - Convert the uddi-samples projects maven
> [JUDDI-675] - exception throw when UDDIClient.stop is called more than once
> [JUDDI-676] - juddi-gui business editor page may not render
> [JUDDI-677] - save business does not validate business key for UDDI key rules
> [JUDDI-678] - juddi-gui does not trap expired auth tokens correctly
> [JUDDI-679] - juddi-gui NPE performing find service by id
> [JUDDI-681] - When saving a new business, the business key is not casted 
> correctly
> [JUDDI-682] - fix uddi root business entity install file, invalid discovery 
> url and type
> [JUDDI-685] - Asciidoc generation fails
> [JUDDI-690] - juddi-client java wsdl2uddi may not include 
> uddi-org:protocol:http for all bindings/ports using soap 1.2
> [JUDDI-691] - NPE querying for Publisher Assertions
> [JUDDI-696] - juddi-gui may not generate aes keys using oracle jre without jce
> [JUDDI-698] - juddi-gui edit subscription page date picker doesn't work
> [JUDDI-700] - juddi-client add find_endpoints functionality
> [JUDDI-704] - jUDDI API Wsdl in source trunk is not synced with code base
> [JUDDI-705] - SaveNode crashes
> [JUDDI-709] - juddi-gui only the first node is listed in the config settings 
> pages
> [JUDDI-711] - digital signature util - add support for trust store validation 
> via system properties
> [JUDDI-712] - Add validation for saving projected entities when a signature 
> is present
> [JUDDI-715] - Java Annotations Example cleanup
> [JUDDI-716] - Unrecognized Value for Element: X509IssuerSerial
> [JUDDI-718] - juddi-client UDDIClerkServlet does not register annotated 
> services on startup
> [JUDDI-721] - juddi-gui edit subscription page incomplete
> [JUDDI-722] - juddi-client does not parse or serialize exception correctly
> [JUDDI-727] - Publish validation does not validate node ownership
> [JUDDI-730] - juddi-gui operational status missing from tmodels
> [JUDDI-732] - Append juddi-migration tool with dependencies to uddi client 
> distribution
> [JUDDI-735] - juddi api wsdls do not have fault information listed
> [JUDDI-739] - juddi-gui businessEditor throws up
> [JUDDI-740] - juddi REST services do not function for JSON encoded responses
> [JUDDI-746] - Remove test code from SMTP Notifier
> [JUDDI-749] - juddi-gui may throw NPE on redeploy
> [JUDDI-752] - UDDI_040_BusinessServiceLoadTest fails to run
> [JUDDI-759] - fix typo on juddi-gui service editor page
> [JUDDI-761] - juddi distribution is missing context.xml
> [JUDDI-762] - del

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