Gradle is also gaining a lot of popularity, and has a good deal of Scala
support.  I don't know if it has incremental compilation.  The maven scala
plugin at one time had incremental compilation, I don't know what state
that is in now.

I'm giving learning enough SBT a shot right now to clean the current mess
up, and will submit a patch as part of Kafka-854.  Having KAFKA-826
committed would help.

On 4/8/13 1:31 PM, "David Arthur" <> wrote:

>Targeting multiple Scala versions is easy with Ant/Ivy and I believe is
>possible in Maven. Incremental compilation is available through some IDEs:
>Eclipse has a plugin from Typesafe that does incremental build:
>Intellij supports it by using SBT:
>Lowly vim users like myself would have to suffer longer compile times
>On 4/8/13 4:20 PM, Jay Kreps wrote:
>> I think the biggest problem is that there isn't clear ownership of the
>> build stuff we have. SBT is probably fine if you know it well. Ant and
>> maven are probably the same. The problem is that none of the
>> committers seem to know SBT well that that is a big barrier for
>> getting basic stuff like a good unit test report, etc.
>> My personal preference would be for Maven followed by Ant followed by
>> anything else (including SBT), but I think the ownership maintenance
>> issue is more important than the framework.
>> The two useful things that SBT bought us where compile targets (i.e.
>> scala 2.8 vs 2.9) and incremental compilation. I think both are
>> available outside sbt now...?
>> -Jay
>> On Mon, Apr 8, 2013 at 12:52 PM, David Arthur <> wrote:
>>> Ant and Ivy also bring in lots of free stuff as well as the
>>>flexibility to
>>> do non-standard things
>>> It seems that SBT is a moving target (as is Scala itself, being such a
>>> tech), and keeping up with SBT changes and people's plugins hosted on
>>> sounds like a pain. Maven and Ant/Ivy are mature and stable and well
>>> understood.
>>> Without digressing too much into a Maven/Ant+Ivy/SBT debate, it is
>>> that there are issues with the current build. I'm proposing Ant+Ivy, if
>>> enough people buy into this - great we'll use Ant. If not, also great
>>>- I'm
>>> simply forcing the dialog :)
>>> Also, if what I'm proposing is accepted, I would be willing to
>>>maintain this
>>> piece of the project in the longer term.
>>> -David
>>> On 4/8/13 3:40 PM, Scott Carey wrote:
>>>> My first reaction to looking at the current build was that I could do
>>>> lot better with Maven and I'd get a lot of free stuff with that
>>>> (dependency:tree, versions:display-dependency-updates), except that
>>>> scala versions would be uglier.  Modularization is trivial with maven
>>>> stuff outside core).
>>>> A little more digging, and it seems that the current sbt build could
>>>> significantly simplified and has a lot of cruft.
>>>> On 4/5/13 12:55 PM, "David Arthur" <> wrote:
>>>>> After getting frustrated with SBT, and being unable to figure out
>>>>> seemingly simple problems like KAFKA-843, I decided to try something
>>>>> completely different.
>>>>> I spent some time yesterday adapting some Ant/Ivy boilerplate I use
>>>>> projects to Kafka. It was actually pretty easy to get working (Kafka
>>>>> a very simple build), and I think it's _much_ cleaner than the
>>>>> SBT stuff.
>>>>> Attached is a patchset of the work I did. N.B., this is totally
>>>>> experimental and only considers the "core" part of the project.
>>>>> At this point I can:
>>>>> * Resolve all deps through Ivy (except yammer.metrics which is
>>>>> in)
>>>>> * Resolve different versions of Scala through Ivy (i.e., cross
>>>>> compile-ability)
>>>>> * Compile the source
>>>>> * Run all the unit tests (all passing)
>>>>> * Compile a jar
>>>>> * Package a tarball of the libs, conf, and bin scripts
>>>>> Since all the libraries are localized to the project (and not in
>>>>> ~/.ivy2), the packaging is trivial. Also, the bin scripts could be
>>>>> cleaned up significantly (which they need to be IMO).
>>>>> I would love to hear what everyone thinks of this. Am I crazy? Is SBT
>>>>> really better? Convince me!
>>>>> -David

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