Hi there,

I am new to Kafka and I would like to get some clarifications for a newbie

Let's say if I have set up my consumer's "enable.auto.commit" to false, and
then poll the records one at a time. So when calling poll(), starting from
offset 0, if any exception is thrown, should I expect to get the record at
offset 0 or offset 1 when I call poll() again? The reason I'm asking for
this is bc in the Kafka Doc, it says that,
"The position of the consumer gives the offset of the next record that will
be given out. It will be one larger than the highest offset the consumer
has seen in that partition. It automatically advances every time the
consumer receives messages in a call to poll(Duration)."

But in my described situation above, an exception is thrown, I'm not sure
if this is counted as a successful poll (meaning that the next poll() will
give the next record) or a failed one (meaning that the next poll() will
give the same record again).

I would really appreciate it for your help.

Zhen Zhang
Software Engineer
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