
Sorry for the late reply, let me clarify on this.

I am developing using Golang so I used a library based on librdkafka, and
there's one function, ReadMesage(), which is a wrapper on top of the poll()
function, except that it will only poll one message(record) at a time and
return either one of the following,

1. (msg, nil) -> normal situation with no error;
2. (nil, err) -> err is a Kafka timeout error;
3. (nil, err) -> err is general error;
4. (msg, err) -> err is partition-specific error.

When I was browsing the javadocs
I noticed the concept of `Offsets and Consumer Position`, so I am wondering
that in the event of the situation 2, 3 and 4, will the position still
increment by 1 even if what I get from ReadMessage() is an error?

I tried to read the docs but didn't find anything useful I can relate to, I
tried to ask for help from the contributors of the library I was using but
didn't get an answer, not sure if this question is too obvious or too
noobie lolol. Since that library I used is an implementation of the Kafka
protocol, I decided to ask it here and I sincerely hope I can get some
insights from a Kafka guru.

Zhen Zhang
Software Engineer
[image: Twilio] <https://www.twilio.com/?utm_source=email_signature>
MOBILE (949) 771-6073
EMAIL zzh...@twilio.com

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 9:45 AM Matthias J. Sax <mj...@apache.org> wrote:

> I guess it depends where the exception comes from? Can you clarify?
> -Matthias
> On 9/23/20 12:53 AM, Zhen Zhang wrote:
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I am new to Kafka and I would like to get some clarifications for a
> newbie
> > question,
> >
> > Let's say if I have set up my consumer's "enable.auto.commit" to false,
> and
> > then poll the records one at a time. So when calling poll(), starting
> from
> > offset 0, if any exception is thrown, should I expect to get the record
> at
> > offset 0 or offset 1 when I call poll() again? The reason I'm asking for
> > this is bc in the Kafka Doc, it says that,
> > "The position of the consumer gives the offset of the next record that
> will
> > be given out. It will be one larger than the highest offset the consumer
> > has seen in that partition. It automatically advances every time the
> > consumer receives messages in a call to poll(Duration)."
> >
> > But in my described situation above, an exception is thrown, I'm not sure
> > if this is counted as a successful poll (meaning that the next poll()
> will
> > give the next record) or a failed one (meaning that the next poll() will
> > give the same record again).
> >
> > I would really appreciate it for your help.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Zhen Zhang
> > Software Engineer
> > [image: Twilio] <https://www.twilio.com/?utm_source=email_signature>
> > MOBILE (949) 771-6073
> > EMAIL zzh...@twilio.com
> >

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