Thanks, folks!

It seems like partitionsFor() and listTopics() is what I want. Do we have
performance estimates on these 2 API calls, e.g., the time cost of waiting
for responses? I would invoke these API along a hot path so I want to have
a general idea on how bad it could be.

Many thanks to your help!

On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 1:44 AM Bruno Cadonna <> wrote:

> Hi Luke,
> I am afraid the ConsumerRebalanceListener will not work in this case
> since Boyuan assigns the partitions manually. The Java docs you linked
> state
> If the consumer directly assigns partitions, those partitions will never
> be reassigned and this callback is not applicable.
> Hi Boyuan,
> The consumer has methods partitionsFor() and listTopics(). Probably
> there is a better way to get the information you want that I am not
> aware of.
> Best,
> Bruno
> On 07.01.21 05:09, Luke Chen wrote:
> > Hi Boyuan,
> > You can create a *ConsumerRebalanceListener* and do something you want
> when
> > *onPartitionsRevoked. *
> > Please check this java doc for more information:
> >
> >
> > Thanks.
> > Luke
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 7, 2021 at 8:45 AM Boyuan Zhang <> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi team,
> >>
> >> I'm working on a long run application, which uses the Kafka Consumer
> API to
> >> poll messages from a given topic and partition. I'm assigning the topic
> and
> >> partition manually by using consumer.assign() API and polling messages
> by
> >> using consumer.poll().
> >>
> >> One common scenario for my application is that certain partitions could
> be
> >> removed outside of my application and my application needs to know one
> >> partition has been removed to stop processing that partition. My
> question
> >> is that is there any way to get the removal information when I do
> >> consumer.assign() or consumer.poll() or any APIs that I can use?
> >>
> >> Thanks for your help!
> >>
> >

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