Jose, thanks for the thorough review and comments!

I am out of the office until next week, so I probably won't be able to
update the KIP until then. Here are some replies to your questions:

1. Generate snapshot on upgrade
> > Metadata snapshot is generated and sent to the other nodes
> Why does the Active Controller need to generate a new snapshot and
> force a snapshot fetch from the replicas (inactive controller and
> brokers) on an upgrade? Isn't writing the FeatureLevelRecord good
> enough to communicate the upgrade to the replicas?

You're right, we don't necessarily need to _transmit_ a snapshot, since
each node can generate its own equivalent snapshot

2. Generate snapshot on downgrade
> > Metadata snapshot is generated and sent to the other inactive
> controllers and to brokers (this snapshot may be lossy!)
> Why do we need to send this downgraded snapshot to the brokers? The
> replicas have seen the FeatureLevelRecord and noticed the downgrade.
> Can we have the replicas each independently generate a downgraded
> snapshot at the offset for the downgraded FeatureLevelRecord? I assume
> that the active controller will guarantee that all records after the
> FatureLevelRecord use the downgraded version. If so, it would be good
> to mention that explicitly.

Similar to above, yes a broker that detects a downgrade via
FeatureLevelRecord could generate its own downgrade snapshot and reload its
state from that. This does get a little fuzzy when we consider cases where
brokers are on different software versions and could be generating a
downgrade snapshot for version X, but using different versions of the code.
It might be safer to let the controller generate the snapshot so each
broker (regardless of software version) gets the same records. However, for
upgrades (or downgrades) we expect the whole cluster to be running the same
software version before triggering the metadata.version change, so perhaps
this isn't a likely scenario. Thoughts?

3. Max metadata version
> >For the first release that supports metadata.version, we can simply
> initialize metadata.version with the current (and only) version. For future
> releases, we will need a mechanism to bootstrap a particular version. This
> could be done using the file or some similar mechanism. The
> reason we need the allow for a specific initial version is to support the
> use case of starting a Kafka cluster at version X with an older
> metadata.version.

I assume that the Active Controller will learn the metadata version of
> the broker through the BrokerRegistrationRequest. How will the Active
> Controller learn about the max metadata version of the inactive
> controller nodes? We currently don't send a registration request from
> the inactive controller to the active controller.

This came up during the design, but I neglected to add it to the KIP. We
will need a mechanism for determining the supported features of each
controller similar to how brokers use BrokerRegistrationRequest. Perhaps
controllers could write a FeatureLevelRecord (or similar) to the metadata
log indicating their supported version. WDYT?

Why do you need to bootstrap a particular version? Isn't the intent
> that the broker will learn the active metadata version by reading the
> metadata before unfencing?

This bootstrapping is needed for when a KRaft cluster is first started. If
we don't have this mechanism, the cluster can't really do anything until
the operator finalizes the metadata.version with the tool. The
bootstrapping will be done by the controller and the brokers will see this
version as a record (like you say). I'll add some text to clarify this.

4. Reject Registration - This is related to the bullet point above.
> What will be the behavior of the active controller if the broker sends
> a metadata version that is not compatible with the cluster wide
> metadata version?

If a broker starts up with a lower supported version range than the current
cluster metadata.version, it should log an error and shutdown. This is in
line with KIP-584.

5. Discover upgrade
> > This snapshot will be a convenient way to let broker and controller
> components rebuild their entire in-memory state following an upgrade.
> Can we rely on the presence of the FeatureLevelRecord for the metadata
> version for this functionality? If so, it avoids having to reload the
> snapshot.

For upgrades, yes probably since we won't need to "rewrite" any records in
this case. For downgrades, we will need to generate the snapshot and reload

6. Metadata version specification
> >  V4(version=4, isBackwardsCompatible=false, description="New metadata
> record type Bar"),

Very cool. Do you have plans to generate Apache Kafka HTML
> documentation for this information? Would be helpful to display this
> information to the user using the and feature RPC?

Hm good idea :) I'll add a brief section on documentation. This would
certainly be very useful

7.Downgrade records
> I think we should explicitly mention that the downgrade process will
> downgrade both metadata records and controller records. In KIP-630 we
> introduced two control records for snapshots.

Yes, good call. Let me re-read that KIP and include some details.

Thanks again for the comments!

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 5:09 PM José Armando García Sancio
<> wrote:

> One more comment.
> 7.Downgrade records
> I think we should explicitly mention that the downgrade process will
> downgrade both metadata records and controller records. In KIP-630 we
> introduced two control records for snapshots.

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