Thanks for your feedback Jason, much appreciated.

Here are the changes to the KIP:

On Tue, May 10, 2022 at 1:34 PM Jason Gustafson
<> wrote:
> The approach sounds reasonable. By the way, I think one of the gaps we have
> today is when the leader gets partitioned from the remaining voters. I
> believe it continues acting as a leader indefinitely. I was considering
> whether this periodic write can address the issue. Basically it can be used
> to force a leader to prove it is still the leader by committing some data.
> Say, for example, that the leader fails to commit the record after the
> fetch timeout expires, then perhaps it could start a new election. What do
> you think?

We have an issue for this at I updated the issue
with your feedback and included some of my thoughts. Do you mind if we
move this conversation to that issue?

> A couple additional questions:
> - What is the default value for ``? Also,
> I'm wondering if `controller` would be a more suitable prefix?

Yeah. I am not sure. Looking at the current configuration we have both
prefixes. For example, with the `controller` prefix we have
`controller.quorum.voters`, `controller.listener.names`,
`controller.quota.window.num`, etc. For the `metadata` prefix we have
`metadata.log.dir`, `metadata.log.*` and ``,
I get the impression that we use `metadata` for things that are kinda
log/disk related and `controller` for things that are not. I am
thinking that the `metadata` prefix is more consistent with the
current situation. What do you think Jason?

> - Could we avoid letting BrokerMetadataPublisher escape into the metric
> name? Letting the classnames leak into the metrics tends to cause
> compatibility issues over time.

Good point. For Raft we use `kafka.server:type=raft-metrics,name=...`.
I'll change it to


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