Hello Colin,
Thank you for the swift and informative reply! I will have a look at the 
suggested tickets and pick up one of the free ones.
    On Sunday, 19 June 2022, 22:46:41 BST, Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> 
 Hi Christo NUKK,

We have been trying to label KRaft issues on JIRA with "kip-500". So you should 
be able to do a search like this for them:


In JQL terms, that's "project = KAFKA AND labels = kip-500 AND statusCategory 
!= Done"

The dynamic configuration piece is a bit tricky. You might consider starting 
with something like KAFKA-13650, KAFKA-13774, or KAFKA-13620.


On Sat, Jun 18, 2022, at 23:21, Christo NUKK wrote:
> Hello!
> I went through JIRA, GitHub and the mailing list, but I was not able to 
> find a list of developer tasks to be picked up for what is left to 
> achieve feature parity with Zookeeper mode. I will have spare bandwidth 
> in the next month and would like to contribute. I have touched 
> configurations before so I would want to pick up Modifying certain 
> dynamic configurations on the standalone KRaft controller if possible.
> Best,Christo
>    On Wednesday, 4 May 2022, 02:03:47 BST, Colin McCabe 
> <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:  
>  Hi all,
> I've written a KIP for marking KRaft as production ready. Please take a 
> look if you have a chance:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/8xKhD
> thanks,
> Colin

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