Thanks for the KIP Yash - +1 (non-binding)

One nitpick -
In one of the responses Chris had mentioned that the timeout param could be
like 'timeout=10s'.
The KIP seems to favour a millisecond timeout value and has an unwieldy
value in the example - `POST /connectors?timeout=120000`

I like the idea of having smaller timeout values and the unit as part of
the value eg: '2m', '10s' or '500ms'.
Is it too late to incorporate this change?


On Wed, Mar 1, 2023 at 6:32 PM Yash Mayya <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to call for a vote on the (hopefully) straightforward KIP-882
> which adds support for configuring request timeouts on Kafka Connect REST
> APIs via query parameters along with a couple of related small
> improvements.
> KIP -
> Discussion thread -
> Thanks,
> Yash

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