Hi, all. I want to submit a minor kip, and hope get some review and good 
suggestions. the kip is here: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/vhw0Dw


As the config 'segment.bytes' for internal topic related connect 
cluster(offset.storage.topic), if following the default configuration of the 
broker or set it larger, then when the connect cluster runs many and 
complicated tasks(for example, Involving a lot of topic and partition 
replication), especially the log volume of the topic 'offset.storage.topic' is 
very large, it will affect the restart speed of the connect workers. 

The reason is that a consumer thread needs to be started to read the data of 
‘offset.storage.topic’ at startup. Although this topic is set to compact, if 
the 'segment size' is set to a large value, such as the default value of 1GB, 
then this topic may have tens of gigabytes of data(if following default 25 
partitions) that cannot be compacted and has to be read from the earliest 
(because the active segment cannot be cleaned), which will consume a lot of 
time and caused the worker to be unable to start and execute tasks for a long 

Proposed changes:

I want to extract the “segment.bytes” settings for “offset.storage.topic” 
separately, just like "offsets.topic.segment.bytes" and 
"transaction.state.log.segment.bytes", where the size is set by the user, and 
if there is no explicit setting, give the default value such as 50MB. In this 
way to avoid receiving interference from kafka broker configuration. As for 
"config.storage.topic" and "status.storage.topic", It is difficult to write a 
large amount of data in practical use, and it may not be necessary to take 
similar measures.

For new connect cluster, if “offset.storage.segment.bytes” is explicitly set in 
connect-distributed.properties, the size is set as KIP-605, It all depends on 
the users themselves. Otherwise, the default size (50MB) is taken. Compared to 
the previous behavior, this setting has nothing to do with the configuration of 
kafka broker, although it is possible that the configuration value of kafka 
broker is smaller and better than the default value 50MB.

For existed connect cluster, if “offset.storage.segment.bytes” is explicitly 
set in connect-distributed.properties, we will update topic config by admin 
client. Otherwise, the default size (50MB) is taken to add or update topic 
config by admin client.



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