hey sean - a lot of uses of the Futures are in the public API and therefore
take voting/effort to be changed.  i don't know any reason for
intentionally avoiding the use of CompletableFuture, however, others might
know more than I do.


On Tue, Nov 14, 2023 at 1:27 AM 신수웅(Sean Sin) <working...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Apache Kakfa Developers,
> I'm 4-year SWE in South Korea.
> I have some questions while watching Kafka Producer API.
> *Why Use "Future" and Not "CompletableFuture"?*
> In the case of "Future", blocking occurs when calling "*get()*", so I
> thought "Computable Future" would be better when doing more asynchronous
> operations.
> I looked at the Java API document
> <
> https://kafka.apache.org/36/javadoc/org/apache/kafka/common/KafkaFuture.html#thenApply(org.apache.kafka.common.KafkaFuture.BaseFunction)
> >
> based on the latest version, version 3.6.x.
> If you look at that version, you can see that the Future object provides
> the "toCompletionStage() "method, which can convert "KafkaFuture" to
> "ComputableFuture".
> In response to this, I think that in the initial design decision process,
> we considered compatibility issues under JDK 1.8 and the level of knowledge
> of the learning curve or developer when introducing ComputableFuture, but I
> wonder if this is correct.
> In addition, I wonder if it is recommended to use the "toCompletionStage()"
> method to produce more non-blocking if we assume JDK 1.8 or higher.
> Thanks.
> Su-Ung Shin.

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