Hi Brenden,
Thanks for the KIP. It fills a gap in the metrics for the new consumer nicely.

AS1. If using the CLASSIC protocol, and thus the LegacyKafkaConsumer,
I would expect that the metrics do not exist at all. Maybe say something like
“These metrics are for the new consumer implementation using the
CONSUMER protocol”.

AS2. For unsent-events-age-max, when is the age calculated? For example,
is it calculated at the time that the unsent event is removed from the
list and sent, or does the metric reflect unsent events which are still
enqueued? I suspect the former, but thought I’d check.

AS3. I think that unsent-events-age-avg would also be interesting to
get an idea of how long unsent events tend to sit around before sending.
Of course, the question from AS2 would also apply to the average.


> On 10 Jul 2024, at 17:44, Philip Nee <p...@confluent.io.INVALID> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is the link to the KIP document.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-1068%3A+New+JMX+metrics+for+the+new+KafkaConsumer
> Any comment is appreciated,
> On Tue, Jul 9, 2024 at 10:14 AM Brenden Deluna <bdel...@confluent.io.invalid>
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I would like to start the discussion thread for KIP-1068. This is a
>> relatively small KIP, only proposing to add a couple of new metrics.
>> If you have any suggestions or feedback, let me know, it will be much
>> appreciated.

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