I'm also getting test failures. Here are tests that failed for me and the jiras 
I could find reporting the corresponding issue:

org.apache.kafka.common.network.SslTransportLayerTest > 
testInvalidEndpointIdentification - KAFKA-2850
kafka.api.QuotasTest > testThrottledProducerConsumer - KAFKA-2444
kafka.api.SslProducerSendTest > testCloseWithZeroTimeoutFromCallerThread - 
kafka.api.PlaintextConsumerTest > testMultiConsumerDefaultAssignment - 
kafka.network.SocketServerTest > tooBigRequestIsRejected - KAFKA-2398

Digests and signature also match for me and it builds if I don't run tests.


> On 15 Feb 2016, at 16:03, Phil Steitz <phil.ste...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I get the following test failures on both OSX (10.11.3) and Ubuntu
> (14.04), JDK 1.7 and 1.8.
> KafkaConsumerTest. testConstructorClose
> KafkaProducerTest. testConstructorFailureCloseResource
> SelectorTest. testNoRouteToHost
> SslSelectorTest. testNoRouteToHost
> All seem to be expecting exceptions that aren't thrown.   The
> tarball build succeeded, though, so maybe these are expected.  Just
> thought it best to report them.
> My application tests passed, other than an issue shared by
> reported else-thread.
> If there is another RC, two little things that would be good to
> improve are:
> 0) the NOTICE files still have 2015 copyright dates
> 1) the hash files for the tarballs use a non-standard encoding,
> making it harder to verify.  The sig is standard ASCII armor and good.
> Phil
> On 2/11/16 7:55 PM, Jun Rao wrote:
>> This is the first candidate for release of Apache Kafka This a bug
>> fix release that fixes 70 issues.
>> Release Notes for the release
>> https://home.apache.org/~junrao/kafka-
>> *** Please download, test and vote by Tuesday, Feb. 16, 7pm PT
>> Kafka's KEYS file containing PGP keys we use to sign the release:
>> http://kafka.apache.org/KEYS in addition to the md5, sha1
>> and sha2 (SHA256) checksum.
>> * Release artifacts to be voted upon (source and binary):
>> https://home.apache.org/~junrao/kafka-
>> * Maven artifacts to be voted upon prior to release:
>> https://repository.apache.org/content/groups/staging/org/apache/kafka/
>> * scala-doc
>> https://home.apache.org/~junrao/kafka-
>> * java-doc
>> https://home.apache.org/~junrao/kafka-
>> * The tag to be voted upon (off the 0.9.0 branch) is the tag
>> https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=kafka.git;a=tag;h=2c17685a45efe665bf5f24c0296cb8f9e1157e89
>> * Documentation
>> http://kafka.apache.org/090/documentation.html
>> Thanks,
>> Jun

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