We have gotten a lot of requests for updating the protocol documentation:

   - KAFKA-3124: Update protocol wiki page to reflect latest
   request/response formats
   - KAFKA-2865: Improve Request API Error Code Documentation
   - KAFKA-3099: Please update A+Guide+To+The+Kafka+Protocol Wiki
   - KAFKA-2495: Protocol guide only partially updated after
   ConsumerMetadata* addition?
   - KAFKA-2494: Document ReplicaId in OffsetRequest in the protocol guide

Generating some docs to go either in the wiki or on the actual
documentation site would definitely be valuable and ensure our protocol
docs are up to date. Although the output could be fairly large, so I am not
sure it should go on the main page of our "one page" documentation site, as
the page is already fairly long to scroll.

I made a very rough, super hacky, implementation that outputs some useful
data in a similar format to the existing wiki. There is a pull request and
a gist of the output for anyone that it could help in the mean time (links
below).  In the patch I listed some "todo" comments for things I would
still like to see in the output. I don't have time to polish up the patch
to completion now, due to other priorities.

Is anyone interested in finishing the patch? If so please feel free to use
or ignore the code shared.

   - Pull request: https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/970
   - Gist of output:
   - In browser preview of Gist:

Grant Henke
Software Engineer | Cloudera
gr...@cloudera.com | twitter.com/gchenke | linkedin.com/in/granthenke

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