
quick question/definition for the release cut (assuming vote passes) your
proposing please.

Critical bug fixes for new features and regression or just regression and
new feature can get pulled if not working right if less impactful to-do so?
Understandably that is dependent on the feature and/or fix but we have a
bunch on the plan for
https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/Future+release+plan and
is that the hard freeze? I think the producer and consumer interceptors are
part of streams so maybe just an update on that?

+1 the timeline seems manageable and adjusting for what is released or not
doesn't affect the approach so g2g lots to get out

for 0.11 I would like to suggest trying to nominate or if volunteer always
good a release manager along with what is being worked on and collaborate
around for different KIP so folks know where to contribute and work
downstream too operational.

~ Joe Stein

On Mon, Mar 7, 2016 at 12:27 PM, Gwen Shapira <g...@confluent.io> wrote:

> Greetings Kafka Developer Community,
> As you all know, we have few big features that are almost complete
> (Timestamps! Interceptors! Streams!). It is time to start planning our
> next release.
> I suggest the following:
> * Cut branches on March 21st
> * Publish the first release candidate the next day
> * Start testing, finding important issues, fixing them, rolling out new
> releases
> * And eventually get a release candidate that we all agree is awesome
> enough to release. Hopefully this won't take too many iterations :)
> Note that this is a 2 weeks heads-up on branch cutting. After we cut
> branches, we will try to minimize cherrypicks to just critical bugs
> (because last major release was a bit insane).
> Therefore,  if you have a feature that you really want to see in
> 0.10.0 - you'll need to have it committed by March 21st. As a curtesy
> to the release manager, if you have features that you are not planning
> on getting in for 0.10.0, please change the "fix version" field in
> JIRA accordingly.
> I will send a heads-up few days before cutting branches, to give
> everyone a chance to get stragglers in.
> The vote will be open for 72 hours.
> All in favor, please reply with +1.
> Gwen Shapira

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