Hey Rajini,

Thanks for the KIP. I have some questions:

- I am wondering why throttling based on request rate is listed as a
rejected alternative. Can you provide more specific reason why it is
difficult for administrators to decide request rates to allocate? It seems
to me that determination of request rate is not any more difficult than
determination of request rate as both metrics are commonly used to measure
performance and provide guarantee to user. On the other hand, the
percentage of processing time provides a vague guarantee to user. For
example, what performance can user expect if you provide 1% processing time
quota to this user? How is administrator going to decide this quota? Should
Kafka administrator continues to reduce this percentage quota as number of
users grow?

- The KIP suggests that LeaderAndIsrRequest and MetadataRequest will also
be throttled by this quota. What is the motivation for throttling these
requests? It is also inconsistent with rate-based quota which is only
applied to ProduceRequest and FetchRequest. IMO it will be simpler to only
throttle ProduceRequest and FetchRequest.

- Do you think we should also throttle the inter-broker traffic using this
quota as well similar to KIP-73?


On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 9:05 AM, Rajini Sivaram <rajinisiva...@gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I have just created KIP-124 to introduce request rate quotas to Kafka:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-124+-+
> Request+rate+quotas
> The proposal is for a simple percentage request handling time quota that
> can be allocated to *<client-id>*, *<user>* or *<user, client-id>*. There
> are a few other suggestions also under "Rejected alternatives". Feedback
> and suggestions are welcome.
> Thank you...
> Regards,
> Rajini

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