What about KafkaStreams#toString() method?

I think, we want to deprecate it as with KIP-120 and the changes of this
KIP, is gets obsolete.

If we do so, please update the KIP accordingly.


On 3/28/17 7:00 PM, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
> Thanks for updating the KIP!
> I think it's good as is -- I would not add anything more to TaskMetadata.
> About subtopologies and tasks. We do have the concept of subtopologies
> already in KIP-120. It's only missing and ID that allow to link a
> subtopology to a task.
> IMHO, adding a simple variable to `Subtopoloy` that provide the id
> should be sufficient. We can simply document in the JavaDocs how
> Subtopology and TaskMetadata can be linked to each other.
> I did update KIP-120 accordingly.
> -Matthias
> On 3/28/17 3:45 PM, Florian Hussonnois wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've updated the KIP and the PR to reflect your suggestions.
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+130%3A+Expose+states+of+active+tasks+to+KafkaStreams+public+API
>> https://github.com/apache/kafka/pull/2612
>> Also, I've exposed property StreamThread#state as a string through the
>> new class ThreadMetadata.
>> Thanks,
>> 2017-03-27 23:40 GMT+02:00 Florian Hussonnois <fhussonn...@gmail.com
>> <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com>>:
>>     Hi Guozhang, Matthias,
>>     It's a great idea to add sub topologies descriptions. This would
>>     help developers to better understand topology concept.
>>     I agree that is not really user-friendly to check if
>>     `StreamsMetadata#streamThreads` is not returning null.
>>     The method name localThreadsMetadata looks good. In addition, it's
>>     more simple to build ThreadMetadata instances from the `StreamTask`
>>     class than from `StreamPartitionAssignor` class.
>>     I will work on modifications. As I understand, I have to add the
>>     property subTopologyId property to the TaskMetadata class - Am I right ?
>>     Thanks,
>>     2017-03-26 0:25 GMT+01:00 Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:wangg...@gmail.com>>:
>>         Re 1): this is a good point. May be we can move
>>         `StreamsMetadata#streamThreads` as
>>         `KafkaStreams#localThreadsMetadata`?
>>         3): this is a minor suggestion about function name of
>>         `assignedPartitions`, to `topicPartitions` to be consistent with
>>         `StreamsMetadata`?
>>         Guozhang
>>         On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 4:30 PM, Matthias J. Sax
>>         <matth...@confluent.io <mailto:matth...@confluent.io>> wrote:
>>             Thanks for the progress on this KIP. I think we are on the
>>             right path!
>>             Couple of comments/questions:
>>             (1) Why do we not consider the "rejected alternative" to add
>>             the method
>>             to KafkaStreams? The comment on #streamThreads() says:
>>             "Note this method will return <code>null</code> if called on
>>             {@link
>>             StreamsMetadata} which represent a remote application."
>>             Thus, if we cannot get any remote metadata, it seems not
>>             straight
>>             forward to not add it to KafkaStreams directly -- this would
>>             avoid
>>             invalid calls and `null` return value in the first place.
>>             I like the idea about exposing sub-topologies.:
>>             (2a) I would recommend to rename `topicsGroupId` to
>>             `subTopologyId` :)
>>             (2b) We could add this to KIP-120 already. However, I would
>>             not just
>>             link both via name, but leverage KIP-120 directly, and add a
>>             "Subtopology" member to the TaskMetadata class.
>>             Overall, I like the distinction of KIP-120 only exposing
>>             "static"
>>             information that can be determined before the topology get's
>>             started,
>>             while this KIP allow to access runtime information.
>>             -Matthias
>>             On 3/22/17 12:42 PM, Guozhang Wang wrote:
>>             > Thanks for the updated KIP, and sorry for the late replies!
>>             >
>>             > I think a little bit more about KIP-130, and I feel that
>>             if we are going
>>             > to deprecate the `toString` function (it is not explicitly
>>             said in the
>>             > KIP, so I'm not sure if you plan to still keep the
>>             > `KafkaStreams#toString` as is or are going to replace it
>>             with the
>>             > proposed APIs) with the proposed ones, it may be okay. More
>>             > specifically, after both KIP-120 and KIP-130:
>>             >
>>             > 1. users can use `#describe` function to check the
>>             generated topology
>>             > before calling `KafkaStreams#start`, which is static
>>             information.
>>             > 2. users can use the `StreamsMetadata -> ThreadMetadata ->
>>             TaskMetadata`
>>             > programmatically after called `KafkaStreams#start` to get the
>>             > dynamically changeable information.
>>             >
>>             > One thing I'm still not sure though, is that in
>>             `TaskMetadata` we only
>>             > have the TaskId and assigned partitions, whereas in
>>             > "TopologyDescription" introduced in KIP-120, it will
>>             simply describe the
>>             > whole topology possibly composed of multiple
>>             sub-topologies. So it is
>>             > hard for users to tell which sub-topology is executed
>>             under which task
>>             > on-the-fly.
>>             >
>>             > Hence I'm thinking if we can expose the "sub-topology-id"
>>             (named as
>>             > topicsGroupId internally) in
>>             TopologyDescription#Subtopology, and then
>>             > from the task id which is essentially "sub-topology-id DASH
>>             > partition-group-id" users can make the link, though it is
>>             still not that
>>             > straight-forward.
>>             >
>>             > Thoughts?
>>             >
>>             > Guozhang
>>             >
>>             >
>>             >
>>             > On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 3:16 PM, Florian Hussonnois
>>             > <fhussonn...@gmail.com <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com
>>             <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>             >
>>             >     Thanks Guozhang for pointing me to the KIP-120.
>>             >
>>             >     I've made some modifications to the KIP. I also proposed a 
>> new PR
>>             >     (there is
>>             >     still some tests to make).
>>             >     
>> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+130%3A+Expose+states+of+active+tasks+to+KafkaStreams+public+API
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+130%3A+Expose+states+of+active+tasks+to+KafkaStreams+public+API>
>>             >     
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+130%3A+Expose+states+of+active+tasks+to+KafkaStreams+public+API
>> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+130%3A+Expose+states+of+active+tasks+to+KafkaStreams+public+API>>
>>             >
>>             >     Exposing consumed offsets through JMX is sufficient for 
>> debugging
>>             >     purpose.
>>             >     But I think this could be part to another JIRA as there is 
>> no impact to
>>             >     public API.
>>             >
>>             >     Thanks
>>             >
>>             >     2017-03-10 22:35 GMT+01:00 Guozhang Wang 
>> <wangg...@gmail.com <mailto:wangg...@gmail.com>
>>             >     <mailto:wangg...@gmail.com <mailto:wangg...@gmail.com>>>:
>>             >
>>             >     > Hello Florian,
>>             >     >
>>             >     > As for programmatically discover monitoring data by
>>             piping metrics
>>             >     into a
>>             >     > dedicated topic. I think you can actually use a
>>             >     KafkaMetricsReporter which
>>             >     > pipes the polled metric values into a pre-defined
>>             topic (note that
>>             >     in Kafka
>>             >     > the MetricsReporter is simply an interface and users
>>             can build
>>             >     their own
>>             >     > impl in addition to the JMXReporter), for example :
>>             >     >
>>             >     > https://github.com/krux/kafka-metrics-reporter
>>             <https://github.com/krux/kafka-metrics-reporter>
>>             >     <https://github.com/krux/kafka-metrics-reporter
>>             <https://github.com/krux/kafka-metrics-reporter>>
>>             >     >
>>             >     > As for the "static task-level assignment", what I
>>             meant is that
>>             >     the mapping
>>             >     > from source-topic-partitions -> tasks are static,
>>             via the
>>             >     > "PartitionGrouper", and a task won't switch from an
>>             active task to a
>>             >     > standby task, it is actually that an active task
>>             could be
>>             >     migrated, as a
>>             >     > whole along with all its assigned partitions, to
>>             another thread /
>>             >     process
>>             >     > and a new standby task will be created on the host
>>             that this
>>             >     active task is
>>             >     > migrating from. So for the SAME task, its taskMetadata.
>>             >     > assignedPartitions()
>>             >     > will always return you the same partitions.
>>             >     >
>>             >     > As for the `toString` function that what we have
>>             today, I feel it
>>             >     has some
>>             >     > correlations with KIP-120 so I'm trying to
>>             coordinate some
>>             >     discussions here
>>             >     > (cc'ing Matthias as the owner of KIP-120). My
>>             understand is that:
>>             >     >
>>             >     > 1. In KIP-120, the `toString` function of
>>             `KafkaStreams` will be
>>             >     removed
>>             >     > and instead the `Topology#describe` function will be
>>             introduced
>>             >     for users
>>             >     > to debug the topology BEFORE start running their
>>             instance with the
>>             >     > topology. And hence the description won't contain
>>             any task
>>             >     information as
>>             >     > they are not formed yet.
>>             >     > 2. In KIP-130, we want to add the task-level
>>             information for
>>             >     monitoring
>>             >     > purposes, which is not static and can only be
>>             captured AFTER the
>>             >     instance
>>             >     > has started running. Again I'm wondering for KIP-130
>>             alone if
>>             >     adding those
>>             >     > metrics mentioned in my previous email would suffice
>>             even for the
>>             >     use case
>>             >     > that you have mentioned.
>>             >     >
>>             >     >
>>             >     > Guozhang
>>             >     >
>>             >     > On Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 3:18 PM, Florian Hussonnois
>>             >     <fhussonn...@gmail.com <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com>>>
>>             >     > wrote:
>>             >     >
>>             >     > > Hi Guozhang
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > Thank you for your feedback. I've started to look
>>             more deeply
>>             >     into the
>>             >     > > code. As you mention, it would be more clever to
>>             use the current
>>             >     > > StreamMetadata API to expose these information.
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > I think exposing metrics through JMX is great for
>>             building
>>             >     monitoring
>>             >     > > dashboards using some tools like jmxtrans and grafana.
>>             >     > > But for our use case we would like to expose the
>>             states
>>             >     directely from
>>             >     > the
>>             >     > > application embedding the kstreams topologies.
>>             >     > > So we expect to be able to retrieve states in a
>>             programmatic way.
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > For instance, we could imagin to produce those
>>             states into a
>>             >     dedicated
>>             >     > > topic. In that way a third application could
>>             automatically
>>             >     discover all
>>             >     > > kafka-streams applications which could be monitored.
>>             >     > > In production environment, that can be clearly a
>>             solution to have a
>>             >     > > complete overview of a microservices architecture
>>             based on Kafka
>>             >     Streams.
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > The toString() method give a lots of information
>>             it can only be
>>             >     used for
>>             >     > > debugging purpose but not to build a topologies
>>             visualization
>>             >     tool. We
>>             >     > > could actually expose same details about the
>>             stream topology
>>             >     from the
>>             >     > > StreamMetadata API ? So the TaskMetadata class you
>>             have
>>             >     suggested could
>>             >     > > contains similar information that ones return by
>>             the toString
>>             >     method from
>>             >     > > AbstractTask class ?
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > I can update the KIP in that way.
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > Finally,  I'm not sure to understand your last
>>             point :* "Note
>>             >     that the
>>             >     > > task-level assignment information is static, i.e.
>>             it will not change
>>             >     > during
>>             >     > > the runtime" *
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > Does that mean when a rebalance occurs new tasks
>>             are created for
>>             >     the new
>>             >     > > assignments and old ones just switch to a standby
>>             state ?
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > Thanks,
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > 2017-03-05 7:04 GMT+01:00 Guozhang Wang
>>             <wangg...@gmail.com <mailto:wangg...@gmail.com>
>>             >     <mailto:wangg...@gmail.com <mailto:wangg...@gmail.com>>>:
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > > Hello Florian,
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > Thanks for the KIP and your detailed explanation
>>             of your use
>>             >     case. I
>>             >     > > think
>>             >     > > > there are two dimensions to discuss on how to
>>             improve Streams'
>>             >     > > > debuggability (or more specifically state
>>             exposure for
>>             >     visualization).
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > First question is "what information should we
>>             expose to the
>>             >     user". From
>>             >     > > > your KIP I saw generally three categories:
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > 1. The state of the thread within a process, as
>>             you mentioned
>>             >     currently
>>             >     > > we
>>             >     > > > only expose the state of the process but not the
>>             finer grained
>>             >     > per-thread
>>             >     > > > state.
>>             >     > > > 2. The state of the task. Currently the most
>>             close API to this is
>>             >     > > > StreamsMetadata,
>>             >     > > > however it aggregates the tasks across all
>>             threads and only
>>             >     present the
>>             >     > > > aggregated set of the assigned partitions /
>>             state stores etc.
>>             >     We can
>>             >     > > > consider extending this method to have a new
>>             >     StreamsMetadata#tasks()
>>             >     > > which
>>             >     > > > returns a TaskMetadata with the similar fields,
>>             and the
>>             >     > > > StreamsMetadata.stateStoreNames / etc would
>>             still be returning the
>>             >     > > > aggregated results but users can still "drill
>>             down" if they want.
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > The second question is "how should we expose
>>             them to the
>>             >     user". For
>>             >     > > > example, you mentioned about
>>             consumedOffsetsByPartition in the
>>             >     > > activeTasks.
>>             >     > > > We could add this as a JMX metric based on fetch
>>             positions
>>             >     inside the
>>             >     > > > consumer layer (note that Streams is just
>>             embedding consumers)
>>             >     or we
>>             >     > > could
>>             >     > > > consider adding it into TaskMetadata. Either
>>             case it can be
>>             >     visualized
>>             >     > > for
>>             >     > > > monitoring. The reason we expose StreamsMetadata
>>             as well as
>>             >     State was
>>             >     > > that
>>             >     > > > it is expected to be "polled" in a programmatic
>>             way for
>>             >     interactive
>>             >     > > queries
>>             >     > > > and also for control flows (e.g. I would like to
>>             ONLY start
>>             >     running my
>>             >     > > > other topology until the first topology has been
>>             up and
>>             >     running) while
>>             >     > > for
>>             >     > > > your case it seems the main purpose is to
>>             continuously query
>>             >     them for
>>             >     > > > monitoring etc. Personally I'd prefer to expose
>>             them as JMX
>>             >     only for
>>             >     > such
>>             >     > > > purposes only to have a simpler API.
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > So given your current motivations I'd suggest
>>             expose the following
>>             >     > > > information as newly added metrics in Streams:
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > 1. Thread-level state metric.
>>             >     > > > 2. Task-level hosted client identifier metric
>>             (e.g. host:port).
>>             >     > > > 3. Consumer-level per-topic/partition position
>>             metric (
>>             >     > > >
>>             https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#topic_fetch_monitoring
>>             <https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#topic_fetch_monitoring>
>>             >   
>>              <https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#topic_fetch_monitoring
>> <https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#topic_fetch_monitoring>>).
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > Note that the task-level assignment information is 
>> static,
>>             >     i.e. it will
>>             >     > > not
>>             >     > > > change during the runtime at all and can be accessed 
>> from the
>>             >     > > `toString()`
>>             >     > > > function already even before the instance start 
>> running, so I
>>             >     think
>>             >     > this
>>             >     > > > piece of information do not need to be exposed 
>> through JMX
>>             >     anymore.
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > WDYT?
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > Guozhang
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > On Thu, Mar 2, 2017 at 3:11 AM, Damian Guy
>>             >     <damian....@gmail.com <mailto:damian....@gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:damian....@gmail.com <mailto:damian....@gmail.com>>>
>>             >     > wrote:
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > > Hi Florian,
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > > Thanks for the KIP.
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > > It seems there is some overlap here with what we 
>> already have in
>>             >     > > > > KafkaStreams.allMetadata(). This currently returns 
>> a
>>             >     > > > > Collection<StreamsMetadata> where each 
>> StreamsMetadata
>>             >     instance holds
>>             >     > > the
>>             >     > > > > state stores and partition assignment for every 
>> instance of the
>>             >     > > > > KafkaStreams application. I'm wondering if that is 
>> good
>>             >     enough for
>>             >     > what
>>             >     > > > you
>>             >     > > > > are trying to achieve? If not could it be modified 
>> to
>>             >     include the per
>>             >     > > > > Thread assignment?
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > > Thanks,
>>             >     > > > > Damian
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > > On Wed, 1 Mar 2017 at 22:49 Florian Hussonnois <
>>             >     > fhussonn...@gmail.com <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com>>>
>>             >     > > > > wrote:
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > Hi Matthias,
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > First, I will answer to your last question.
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > The main reason to have both
>>             TaskState#assignment and
>>             >     > > > > > TaskState#consumedOffsetsByPartition is that
>>             tasks have no
>>             >     > consumed
>>             >     > > > > offsets
>>             >     > > > > > until at least one message is consumed for
>>             each partition
>>             >     even if
>>             >     > > > > previous
>>             >     > > > > > offsets exist for the consumer group.
>>             >     > > > > > So yes this methods are redundant as it only
>>             diverge at
>>             >     application
>>             >     > > > > > startup.
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > About the use case, currently we are
>>             developping for a
>>             >     customer a
>>             >     > > > little
>>             >     > > > > > framework based on KafkaStreams which
>>             >     transform/denormalize data
>>             >     > > before
>>             >     > > > > > ingesting into hadoop.
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > We have a cluster of workers (SpringBoot)
>>             which instantiate
>>             >     > KStreams
>>             >     > > > > > topologies dynamicaly based on dataflow
>>             configurations.
>>             >     > > > > > Each configuration describes a topic to
>>             consume and how to
>>             >     process
>>             >     > > > > messages
>>             >     > > > > > (this looks like NiFi processors API).
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > Our architecture is inspired from
>>             KafkaConnect. We have
>>             >     topics for
>>             >     > > > > configs
>>             >     > > > > > and states which are consumed by each
>>             workers (actually we
>>             >     have
>>             >     > > reused
>>             >     > > > > some
>>             >     > > > > > internals classes to the connect API).
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > Now, we would like to develop UIs to
>>             visualize topics and
>>             >     > partitions
>>             >     > > > > > consumed by our worker applications.
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > Also, I think it would be nice to be able, 
>>             in the futur, to
>>             >     > develop
>>             >     > > > web
>>             >     > > > > > UIs similar to Spark but for KafkaStreams to
>>             visualize
>>             >     DAGs...so
>>             >     > > maybe
>>             >     > > > > this
>>             >     > > > > > KIP is just a first step.
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > Thanks,
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > 2017-03-01 22:52 GMT+01:00 Matthias J. Sax
>>             >     <matth...@confluent.io <mailto:matth...@confluent.io>
>>             <mailto:matth...@confluent.io <mailto:matth...@confluent.io>>
>>             >     > >:
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > Thanks for the KIP.
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > I am wondering a little bit, why you need
>>             to expose this
>>             >     > > information.
>>             >     > > > > > > Can you describe some use cases?
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > Would it be worth to unify this new API with
>>             >     KafkaStreams#state()
>>             >     > > to
>>             >     > > > > get
>>             >     > > > > > > the overall state of an application
>>             without the need to
>>             >     call two
>>             >     > > > > > > different methods? Not sure how this
>>             unified API might
>>             >     look like
>>             >     > > > > though.
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > One minor comment about the API:
>>             TaskState#assignment
>>             >     seems to be
>>             >     > > > > > > redundant. It should be the same as
>>             >     > > > > > > TaskState#consumedOffsetsByPartition.keySet()
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > Or do I miss something?
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > -Matthias
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > On 3/1/17 5:19 AM, Florian Hussonnois wrote:
>>             >     > > > > > > > Hi Eno,
>>             >     > > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > > Yes, but the state() method only returns
>>             the global
>>             >     state of
>>             >     > the
>>             >     > > > > > > > KafkaStream application (ie: CREATED,
>>             RUNNING,
>>             >     REBALANCING,
>>             >     > > > > > > > PENDING_SHUTDOWN, NOT_RUNNING).
>>             >     > > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > > An alternative to this KIP would be to
>>             change this
>>             >     method to
>>             >     > > return
>>             >     > > > > > more
>>             >     > > > > > > > information instead of adding a new method.
>>             >     > > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > > 2017-03-01 13:46 GMT+01:00 Eno Thereska <
>>             >     > eno.there...@gmail.com
>>             <mailto:eno.there...@gmail.com>
>>             <mailto:eno.there...@gmail.com <mailto:eno.there...@gmail.com>>
>>             >     > > >:
>>             >     > > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > >> Thanks Florian,
>>             >     > > > > > > >>
>>             >     > > > > > > >> Have you had a chance to look at the new 
>> state methods in
>>             >     > > 0.10.2,
>>             >     > > > > > e.g.,
>>             >     > > > > > > >> KafkaStreams.state()?
>>             >     > > > > > > >>
>>             >     > > > > > > >> Thanks
>>             >     > > > > > > >> Eno
>>             >     > > > > > > >>> On 1 Mar 2017, at 11:54, Florian 
>> Hussonnois <
>>             >     > > > fhussonn...@gmail.com
>>             <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com> <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com
>>             <mailto:fhussonn...@gmail.com>>
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > >> wrote:
>>             >     > > > > > > >>>
>>             >     > > > > > > >>> Hi all,
>>             >     > > > > > > >>>
>>             >     > > > > > > >>> I have just created KIP-130 to add a
>>             new method to the
>>             >     > > > KafkaStreams
>>             >     > > > > > API
>>             >     > > > > > > >> in
>>             >     > > > > > > >>> order to expose the states of threads
>>             and active tasks.
>>             >     > > > > > > >>>
>>             >     > > > > > > >>>
>>             >     https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+
>>             <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+>
>>             >   
>>              <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+
>>             <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP+>>
>>             >     > > > > > > >>
>>             130%3A+Expose+states+of+active+tasks+to+KafkaStreams+
>>             >     > public+API
>>             >     > > > > > > >>>
>>             >     > > > > > > >>>
>>             >     > > > > > > >>> Thanks,
>>             >     > > > > > > >>>
>>             >     > > > > > > >>> --
>>             >     > > > > > > >>> Florian HUSSONNOIS
>>             >     > > > > > > >>
>>             >     > > > > > > >>
>>             >     > > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > > > --
>>             >     > > > > > Florian HUSSONNOIS
>>             >     > > > > >
>>             >     > > > >
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > > > --
>>             >     > > > -- Guozhang
>>             >     > > >
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > >
>>             >     > > --
>>             >     > > Florian HUSSONNOIS
>>             >     > >
>>             >     >
>>             >     >
>>             >     >
>>             >     > --
>>             >     > -- Guozhang
>>             >     >
>>             >
>>             >
>>             >
>>             >     --
>>             >     Florian HUSSONNOIS
>>             >
>>             >
>>             >
>>             >
>>             > --
>>             > -- Guozhang
>>         -- 
>>         -- Guozhang
>>     -- 
>>     Florian HUSSONNOIS
>> -- 

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