Hi Jose,

Thanks for the KIP, looks valuable.

If I use a PreferredLeaderElection RPC to specifically request an unclean 
leader election, will this take effect even if unclean leader elections are 
disabled on the topic involved?  I assume that the answer is yes, but it would 
be good to clarify this in the KIP.

What ACLs will be required to perform this action?  WRITE on the topic 
resource?  Or ALTER on KafkaCluster?  Or perhaps ALTER on the topic would be 
most appropriate, since we probably don't want ordinary producers triggering 
unclean leader elections.

What's the rationale for using an int8 rather than just having a boolean that 
is either true or false for "unclean"?  We only have two values now, and it 
seems like we could modify the RPC schema in the future if needed.  Or is the 
intention to add more flags later?


On Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 15:45, Jose Armando Garcia Sancio wrote:
> Hi all,
> We would like to extend the "preferred leader election" RPC for the admin
> client to also support unclean leader elections.
> The KIP can be found here:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-460%3A+Admin+Leader+Election+RPC
> Thanks!
> -Jose

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