On Thu, Apr 25, 2019 at 8:22 AM Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2019, at 21:04, Jose Armando Garcia Sancio wrote:
> > Thanks for the reply. Comments below.
> >
> > On Wed, Apr 24, 2019 at 6:07 PM Colin McCabe <cmcc...@apache.org> wrote:
> > > What's the rationale for using an int8 rather than just having a boolean
> > > that is either true or false for "unclean"?  We only have two values now,
> > > and it seems like we could modify the RPC schema in the future if needed.
> > > Or is the intention to add more flags later?
> > >
> >
> > There are two reason:
> >
> >    1. The controller supports 4 (5 technically) different election
> >    algorithms. We are only exposing "preferred" and "unclean" through the
> >    admin client because we only have use cases for those two election types.
> >    It is possible that in the future we may want to support more algorithms.
> >    This would allow us to make that change easier.
> >    2. I believe that an enum is more descriptive than a boolean flag as it
> >    is not a matter of "unclean" vs "clean" or "preferred" vs 
> > "non-preferred".
> >       1. Preferred means that the controller will attempt to elect only the
> >       fist replica describe in the partition assignment if it is
> > online and it is
> >       in-sync.
> >       2. Unclean means that the controller will attempt to elect the first
> >       in-sync and alive replica given the order of the partition 
> > assignment. If
> >       this is not satisfied it will attempt to elect the first replica in 
> > the
> >       assignment that is alive.
> >
> OK, that makes sense.
> On an unrelated note, you can simplify your protocol definition to this, I 
> believe:
>         { "name": "Partitions", "type": "[]Partitions", "versions": "1+",
>           "about": "The partitions of this topic whose leader should be 
> elected.",
>           "fields": [
>               { "name": "PartitionId", "type": "int32", "versions": "0+",
>                 "about": "The partition id." },
>               { "name": "ElectionType", "type": "int8", "versions": "1+",
>                 "about": "Type of elections to conduct for the partition. A 
> value of '0' elects the preferred leader. A value of '1' elects an unclean 
> leader if there are no in-sync leaders." }
>           ]
>         }

Great suggestion. I made one modification to the "versions" field for
"Partitions". Let me know which one is correct. The KIP should have
the final result.

> The reason is because the v0 array of ints is equivalent on the wire to an 
> array of structures that only have an int inside.
> In other words, this:
>         { "type": "[]int32" }
> is just another way of saying this:
>         { "type": "[]MyArrayType", "fields": [
>               { "name": "MyInt", "type": "int32",  } ] }

Very cool. This is the definition of zero overhead abstraction.


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