Much of the thread till now was about which solution should be included as default and what non technical properties it should have. An important question here was who controls the solution (community vs company). While this is an important question I think we have discussed this quite good already.

So I would like to come back to the more technical requirements of the clustering support. The problem here is that we each have very different ideas what we need in the clustering which is very valid but needs to be understood to avoid that we misunderstand each other.

So to get ahead with this I added some scenarios to the clustering wiki page. I propose that we first gather some scenarios from all the people involved and then discuss how to achieve these sceanrios and how they map to the proposed solutions.


Am 16.04.2011 09:29, schrieb Jean-Baptiste Onofré:
What a thread !! :)

I was with a customer yesterday and I just now browse the thread.

Before dealing with Apache and Karaf inclusion of Guillaume work, I think that we need to compare and discuss from a technology point of view. My initial e-mail was exactly to start to discuss about different ways to achieve clustering (existing ones, planned ones, etc) and compare our point of view.

That's why we need to consider and compare Ioannis and Guillaume works and maybe conclude that it's a kind of merge of both, or pick up some implementations of each.

I have an absolute and total trust in Guillaume, especially about his Apache fiber (keep in mind that Guillaume is a ASF member). If he proposed his cluster implementation, he knows that we can use it in Karaf.

So, before discussing about the "source" of the implementation, I think that we need to focus on the technical layer and discuss the different way to see the cluster. I don't care where the implementation comes from (Fuse, Talend, others), if the implementation is a good one, and if the community accepts this implementation, I can't see any problem.
We are all Apache commiters after all :)

My 2 cents


On 04/13/2011 10:19 AM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:
Hi all,

Ioannis made a great work by using Hazelcast to create a cluster of
Karaf nodes.

He has already blogged around:

I like the design and I think it could be very interesting to embed this
feature in Karaf 3.0.0.

Ioannnis has kindly accepted to donate this work to Karaf.

The next steps are:
- think about an assemblies extension to provide cluster ready distribution - document Karaf clustering in manual (mostly based on the Ioannis' blog)
- add an example of Karaf cluster usage.
I propose to work with Ioannis around these steps.

Are you OK to ship Karaf clustering using Hazelcast in Karaf ?
Do you think that we need a kind of "agnostic" layer around clustering
(especially if some of us already started to work around a different
kind of Karaf clusters) ?



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