Ahhh OK, catcha.

It's at build time and it's kind of "instance provisioning".

On the other hand, I plan to "store/package" a profile as a kar file, and the profile is a diff on the "default" Karaf kar.


On 01/12/2012 08:24 AM, David Jencks wrote:
Hi JB,

That looks useful but I think it's for a different purpose.  I want something 
maven sets up as part of the build, and I want the instance to be a fairly 
independent server.  Basically I want the startup.properties for the instance 
to be generated from startup features in the same way it is for a karaf 
assembly, but in the instance directory, and then the instance files packed up 
as kar resources rather than packed up as a server assembly tar.gz and zip.

BTW installing an instance from a kar seems to work fine.... I made the resources for 
the kar (i.e. all the instance/<foo>  files) by hand but once made you can 
include it in a karaf assembly and then it works fine.

david jencks

On Jan 11, 2012, at 11:02 PM, Jean-Baptiste Onofré wrote:

Hi David,

What do you think about something like:

karaf@root>  instance:create geronimo-my
karaf@root>  instance:connect geronimo-my
karaf@geronimo-my>  profile:apply geronimo
Patching etc/org.apache.karaf.features.cfg file
Patching system directory

It's what I have with the profiles for now.


On 01/12/2012 01:21 AM, David Jencks wrote:
Geronimo needs some "special purpose" "little" servers related to the main one, 
for instance to run javaee app clients.  I'm thinking of implementing this as a karaf child 
instance.  I'm going to make a kar to install it (i.e. all the etc/ and such resource files will be 
in a kar under resources/instances/client/etc).

At the moment I'm thinking of just reusing most of the files from the main server and 
hand-editing them, but maybe it would be possible to combine things so that the 
server-assembly mojos generate something into the instances/<foo>   directory 
and then the kar packaging step packs stuff into a kar.

I don't yet know if this makes sense... it would result in it being easy to 
make installable child instances with properties defined in the pom.  Putting 
the idea out in case I forget about it :-)

david jencks

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Talend - http://www.talend.com

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