+1, I would add that it also enables OSGi programming model (anything but
classloading) to go native with graal which is something which can be worth
these k8s days.

Romain Manni-Bucau
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Le mar. 29 oct. 2019 à 10:16, Jean-Baptiste Onofré <j...@nanthrax.net> a
écrit :

> Hi guys,
> For some months now, Romain and I worked on a PoC named Winegrower.
> Winegrower provides three modules:
> 1. a Java runtime with OSGi programming model with a flat/single
> classloader.
> 2. Winegrower "Cepages" are extensions (similar to spring-boot starter)
> that allows you to easily add flavors to your applications running with
> Winegrower.
> 3. Java agent to add winegrower at low level and get turnkey feature
> like monitoring, etc.
> We think Winegrower would be a great addition to Karaf for two reasons:
> 1. It's a first implementation about a flat/single classloader approach
> for OSGi. I know OSGi Alliance (and especially Ray) is thinking about that.
> 2. It's a great start to provide better tooling around OSGi and Karaf.
> The idea is to have
> Just to be clear, you can develop an application and test it with
> Winegrower. Then, you can run the application using a simple JVM with
> the Winegrower Ripener or deploy in Karaf, it's up to you, depending of
> the use case.
> The current Winegrower codebase is there:
> https://github.com/jbonofre/winegrower
> You can take a look on the README and the examples.
> We also deployed a quick website: https://jbonofre.github.io/winegrower/
> Thoughts ?
> Regards
> JB & Romain

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