Unfortunately that didn't quite work as I fell into the trap of then needing javax.jws.

However - I do now have it working, tho I did have to end up updating the bundle that included the WSDL generation. In my custom distribution I now have:

  <feature name="smx3.cxf" description="SMX3 :: CXF" 
    <feature version="3.6.2">cxf-core</feature>
    <feature version="3.6.2">cxf-jaxws</feature>
    <feature version="3.6.2">cxf-http</feature>
    <feature version="3.6.2">cxf-specs</feature>
    <feature version="3.6.2">cxf-wsdl</feature>
    <feature version="3.6.2">cxf-databinding-jaxb</feature>
    <feature version="3.6.2">cxf-bindings-soap</feature>

It's possible I could trim some of the included <feature/>'s there as they're transcluded by the others, but for now this works. This switches to the jakarta.xml version of packages, which avoids the default export of javax.xml. In the karaf-maven-plugin configuration, I had to set <javase>11</javase> tho as it was a requirement for one of those bundles (I forget which off hand), and for some reason I couldn't use <javase>21</javase> as it claimed it wasn't a valid Java version.

On the service side, I had to add the following dependencies:


and updated cxf-codegen-plugin to 4.0.3. Interestingly, I couldn't find any suitable replacements/updates for org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons:jaxb2-fluent-api it's sibling XCJ extensions so had to rewrite one wrapper service to match the changed code-gen.

But it seems to be working now.  At least - the custom image builds/verifies and starts up - I've not yet tried calling any of the services yet.  Tomorrows job.


On 6/11/23 8:44 pm, Grzegorz Grzybek wrote:
I think you should simply drop jakarta.xml.ws-api-2.3.3.jar
into KARAF_HOME/lib/jdk9plus

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