+1 for using Github issues and projects for managing/tracking - it
works pretty well in Apache Airflow.

Also I'm definitely in favour of defining a roadmap. I think top level
points on such a roadmap should correspond to some big milestones we
would like to achieve as a community but they also should be small
enough to make executing possible. If I may suggest some starting
point I would say:

1. Apache Kibble foundations - we have scanners for few data sources
and some basic metrics. Data is accessible via underlying database +
Apache Superset as dashboard
2. Crucial data sources - more scanners, covering all required data
sources (ASF crucial ones). At this point we should have quite good
documentation and understanding of the data we are collecting allowing
us for better decision making for next steps.
3. Kibble API - we have an extensible API that allows users access the
data collected by our scanners. The API can be used for data sources
management (for example for configuring credentials).
4. Kibble UI - there's an web app that can be used for accessing the data.

What do you think?


On Sat, 10 Apr 2021 at 18:48, Sharan Foga <sha...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi All
> In one of the previous threads [1]  the suggestion was made to look at 
> setting up a kanban board on Github to track the pending tasks. Are people 
> happy to get one of these setup?
> In addition, I'm thinking whether it might be good to create a high level 
> roadmap and make it visible so it is clear and we can all see where we want 
> to achieve. It could also help explaining to newcomers about what is 
> happening with Kibble and what our next milestone will be.
> What do people think?
> Thanks
> Sharan
> [1] https://s.apache.org/xzk6s

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