Hi All

I finally got around to taking a look at why my last pull request to update the website list about Who We Are didn't work. I did a checkout of the site and followed the instructions to build the site. I was a little confused becauseĀ  there looks to be a difference to what is displayed on our active site versus the code I checked out.

My understanding is that :

1. we need to do changes in source directory markdown files
2. run the generate.py in the markdown source directory to the html
   files in the content directory
3. go to the content directory and run the simple http server to check
   things display correctly
4. if everything looks good - commit it and create a pull request :-)

So now I realised my mistake in updating the html files directly in the content directory html file instead of the source directory markdown files. Let's see if I can get it to work this time :-)


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