Hi Mohammad -

I need to better understand your usecase.

It seems that you would like Knox to provide a delegation token factory
type role where a service/user can authenticate to knox against LDAP or
some other provider and return a delegation token without proxying a call
to a backend service. So, something like a DelegationToken service instead
of KnoxToken service.

Considering that we go to some trouble to not leak the delegation token to
clients outside of the gateway, this seems like it is at odds with some of
the goals of what the gateway is trying to do. It will also likely require
RPC calls from the jersey service to the backend services to request the
delegation token. This will add a compile time dependency on those
libraries which we currently don't have.

I do assume that the trusted proxy model in Hadoop does allow us to play
that role, however, given the above I don't know that it is a great usecase
for Knox. I could possibly be persuaded otherwise.

I'd like to hear the full usecase and how the use of the delegation tokens
and managing their expiration without kerberos will ultimately be better
than just leveraging the Hadoop common libraries and kerberos directly or
consuming the same cluster resources with proxied calls through Knox.



On Tue, Oct 17, 2017 at 3:28 AM, Mohammad Islam <misla...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a use case where non-Hadoop services want to utilize delegation
> token instead of  direct Kerberos ticket. Therefore, I'm wandering if Knox
> can support this service where Knox can get delegation tokens from Hadoop
> services such as HDFS, YARN, Hive, HBase etc.
> This will allow the non-Hadoop services to connect to Hadoop services w/o
> Kerberos ticket.
> Does Knox support this in any way/form? Otherwise, would it be a good idea
> to support this?
> Regards,
> Mohammad

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