Please check Ambari and see whether the HIVE is healthy or not. If not, you
can check the HIVE's logs(/var/log/hive).



Aron Tao

XiaoHui Zhang <18125...@bjtu.edu.cn> 于2019年2月22日周五 上午2:56写道:

>   Hi, dear team,I am a beginner of Kylin and I am building kylin
> development environment with HDP Sandbox.But when I am running
> $KYLIN_HOME/bin/kylin.sh start,it occurs the following errors:
> [root@sandbox-hdp apache-ktlin-2.6.0-bin-hadoop3]#./bin/kylin.sh start
> Retrieving hadoop conf dir...
> KYLIN_HOME is set to /usr/local/apache-kylin-2.6.0-bin-hadoop3
> Retrieving hive dependency...
> Something wrong with Hive CLI or Beline,please execute Hive CLI or Beeline
> CLI in termina
>  Did I need to make any changes to kylin's configuration file?if not,why
> did this happen?
>  Hope for any of yours reply.

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