Hi. I'm Yoonsung Lee in LINE corp. I have been using Kylin3 for last 3 years for OLAP query engine over XX PB datasource.
I consider to use and develop Kylin 5 for upcoming future. Until kylin 4, I understand core design and detail performance detail in https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KYLIN But I cannot find any document for Kylin 5 in here. I checked these pages - https://kylin.apache.org/5.0/docs/development/roadmap,https://kylin.apache.org/5.0/docs/development/how_to_understand_kylin_design But that pages are not enough to understand the design and architecture of Kylin 5. I want to know the core design and detail architecture of Kylin 5 beyond Roadmap for planning when and how I can adopt Kylin 5 and participate in OSS development. Q1: is there a material to understand detail of Kylin5 ? Q2: Is the contribution of Kylin 5 opensource closed to others that are not in Kyligence team ? Best regards. Thanks