Eike Rathke wrote:

>>    <OutLineNumberingLevel Prefix="(" NumType="12" Suffix=")"
>>BulletChar="0020" BulletFontName="" ParentNumbering="0" LeftMargin="150"
>>SymbolTextDistance="50" FirstLineOffset="0"/>
>>    <OutLineNumberingLevel Prefix="(" NumType="12" Suffix=")"
>>BulletChar="0020" BulletFontName="" ParentNumbering="1" LeftMargin="200"
>>SymbolTextDistance="50" FirstLineOffset="0"/>
>>But the result is :-
>>          (1)
>>             (
>Strange indeed..
>>Using "Bullet and Numbers" dialog/"Options" tab,
>>I found that at level 5 "Show sublevels" is 5 (at level 4 it is 1).
>>Reducing the number from 5 to 2 will get the result as
>>What's wrong with my OutlineStyle? How to fix this?
>Can you verify that in the generated
>i18npool/<yourPlatform>/misc/localedata_th_TH.cxx the corresponding
>outlineParentNumbering#[] array contains the correct value {0x31, 0x0}?
Yes. I've checked several similar entries. They contain the correct value.

_/|\_ Samphan Raruenrom.

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