On Thursday 11 May 2006 11:53, Eike Rathke wrote:
> Hi Hristo,
> A mpBestUnixCharset by definition can't be cp437, as it isn't a native
> Unix encoding. Probably iso8859-5 containing Cyrillic would be best, if
> all characters are representable in it.
So, for these two parameters what encoding I have to put?
Or it is never mind which?

> > > Coded sets like your MIK are somewhat a corner case, unregistered, not
> > > a standard, but to some extend commonly used in one region.
> >
> > Yes it is, and this encoding is very often used in DOS Cyrillic files.
> I wonder whether there is some common cpNNN alias that maps to it and
> maybe is even already present in our source. Did you check for that?
Yes, I checked. This MIK encoding is a big misundestanding of our scientist 
whos didn't have any idea of what they done. With some existing encoding have 
some success but missing letters are a lot and the text is unreadable at all.
With GUI programs there are no problems, because we use cp1251 or UTF-8, but 
there still have DOS text files which used MIK encoding. That why I'm tring 
to make this filter, to help people with such files to transfer easy their 
files to OOo.

Hristo Simeonov Hristov
Leader of OpenOffice.org - Bulgarian
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