Dear Soben,

Please note that it is 20.000 words, not 20,000 strings, which could be 1.000 strings, if the average string is 20 words long.


Leang Chumsoben wrote:

Thanks for the information.

But where can I find those translation files? The last translation template in was m172. After merging with the previous milestone, I can see only about 1000 messages untranslated.

I'm afraid I looked in the wrong place.



as a little bit of explanation, I might add that we are certainly going
to have a "normal" translation round for 2.0.4, probably with a
UI/feature freeze by mid of July. But the usual translation time after
the freeze date does only offer enough time to translate a few thousand

For most teams, an amount of ~20000 words will probably not be possible
within this timeframe. Therefore it seems advisable to start translation
of the large changes to the online-help, that have been integrated with
the two CWSs hc680fin and hc680dec, as soon as possible.



Rafaella Braconi schrieb:
Dear Translators/Localizers,

with the recent integration of 2 CWSs containing many changes in the
help, namely hc680dec and hc680fin, approx. 20,000 words have been
introduced in the Help that need either to be translated (new wordcount)
or to be reviewed and updated to reflect the changes carried out in the
English text.

This information should help all those who are working on Help
translation and who would like to see the translated and updated Help
files integrated in the 2.04 release.

Speaking of time frame and schedule, the first translation milestone
deadline in order to meet the 2.04 release schedule is July 10th.

This first deadline will give us the possibility to check how many words
still need to be translated for the 2.04 release both in the UI and the
Help and better organize the translation and review work for the 2.04

As usual, once ready with the translated files, please:
- File an issuezilla bug to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" . Please don't attach
your file directly to that issue, better provide an URL / link pointing
to your file. Only attach if you don't have any webspace available.
( )

- Please take care that the GSI / SDF file format is not violated (
format errors like wrong amount of tabs, shifted columns, ... ). You can
use the tool "gsicheck" to perform basic checks on your file.

You can find the latest version at:

- We try to correctly update our database status information which would
later help us to improve the overall quality of the translation. Please
provide a GSI / SDF file containing both, your language and the
corresponding en-US source string. Please note that the en-US string
have to be the same milestone like your translation.
Note that Sun/Globalization is currently working on the translation of
following languages: French, Italian, German, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch,
Hungarian, Polish, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Korean, and

For Russian and Turkish we have started a translation pilot with those 2
Communities lead by Rail Aliev. For more details see:

and feel free to join the list to learn
more about this process :-)

Kind Regards,

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