Dne Tue, Oct 31, 2006 at 08:27:07PM +0100, Simon Brouwer napsal:

> I have some thoughts on the technology preview. First, I'm not sure if 
> anonymous contributions should be allowed. Without a real name and 
> contact information it may be too difficult to establish if the 
> information is properly contributed according to the license agreement.

Many people are affraid about their privacy and won't probably contribute
under real name. Generaly the contents of private dictionary can be
sensitive information. In wikipedia You also don't know real names of
articles and it works.

> Second, it might be useful if the contributor could provide additional 
> information about the words, especially whether they are specific 
> terminology (medical, legal, technical...).

Yes, we can try to collect such information, even if OOo is not able to
handle it.

> What kind of software do you use on the server, can we have a look at it?

In fact is is not software ;-) its just very short script, which only
implements procol, which have been chosen for communication between macro
and web. Its written in PHP, for final version I will prefer python, in
case, that I won't find someone to write it and I will continue to
develop the backend. But I am also sysadmin, I am not programmer.

Look here


It is also written only to demonstrate the project possibilities and open
discussion about openning feedback channel for OOo improvements.


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