Il giorno gio, 31/05/2007 alle 09.27 +0900, Jean-Christophe Helary ha
> On 31 mai 07, at 03:39, Alessandro Cattelan wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'll be working on the Italian translation for OOo 2.3. For the GUI
> > translation we'll be using Pootle whereas for the translation of the
> > online help we'll be using a PO editor.
> Ale,
> Is this the file you mentioned on l4t ? If yes, I was not aware that  
> the .sdf files converter produced broken PO. Maybe reporting that as  
> a bug would be better than trying to find a PO editor that works with  
> broken files :)

Not really, Jean-Christophe. The file I mentioned on l4t was from a
previous project; I have yet to receive the files for the new release.

> Regarding using the TMX: convert it to PO with a few regex and use  
> the gettext tools to incorporate it to your current PO file. That way  
> you won't need a TMX fuzzy "matcher". But I really think using PO  
> dedicated tools for translation is a waste of resource. There are  
> plenty of CAT tools that will leverage your TMX and parse your PO.  
> But you need to get the PO fixed first, if possible.

Well, I'm not a fan of the PO format either and I've never really learnt
how to work with PO editors (as I said somewhere else, I have the
feeling they were not developed with the average translator in mind...)

We've been asked to use the PO format because in a past project
converting to XLZ and back-converting to PO created quite a few
problems. I would be much happier using some other tool such as
Heartsome XLIFF Editor but I'd like to avoid producing a good quality
yet useless translation. 


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