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Jean-Christophe Helary ha scritto:
> Basically OmegaT's PO handling is only (just like for monolingual files)
> to put in the target editing field the contents of source, for edition.
> OmegaT is not able to know that a target already exist and to propose it
> for editing.
> What I have thus done is the following:
> 1) convert the .sdf file to .pot (oo2po -P etc) to remove all the msgstr
> contents
> 2) create a TMX from the pseudo translated .sdf (oo2po and then po2tmx,
> cf my comments on that process in a different thread)
> 3) put the .pot in /source/, the tmx in /tm/ and OmegaT will
> automatically match the .pot strings to their pseudo translated
> counterparts in the tmx, thus allowing you to have the msgstr contents
> in target.
> It is a little non-trivial, but remember that OmegaT is not made to work
> with bilingual localization files. It works with a monolingual file in
> source and bilingual TM files for reference.
> I think Rafaella should be able to provide you with proper TMX files
> that match the .sdf contents.

Rafaella has already provided us with the OLH TMX some time ago.

The only problem I see with the method you propose is that we would end
up having two TM. The TM I have is pretty big (over 12MB) and OmegaT
takes a long time to analyse it. If I put another big TM in the tm
folder I think it would end up being too slow. However, I'll have a look
at that.

I don't understand why you need to create .pot instead of .po files. I
converted the sdf to po files and OmegaT just ignores the msgstr
content, so what is the use of having a pot file with empty msgstr fields?


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