Hi everyone :)

I've just spent several very tedious but productive days going through every-single-dratted-dialogue-screenshot of our translation of OpenOffice.org 2.3, very kindly provided by André Schnabel.

This journey raised three main questions (well, actually four, but I'll leave out "Why on earth am I doing this??" ;) ):

Examples quote the screenshots at [1]:

Unatranslated strings

(a) calc/33070 and calc/33078 — text "Info 1" to "Info 4".

Confusingly, the GSI file provides (but apparently does not use in those dialogues) these strings:
sw source\ui\utlui\initui.src 0 string RID_SW_SHELLRES FLD_DOCINFO_INFO2 13691 en-US Info 1 2002-02-02 02:02:02 sw source\ui\utlui\initui.src 0 string RID_SW_SHELLRES FLD_DOCINFO_INFO3 13691 en-US Info 2 2002-02-02 02:02:02 sw source\ui\utlui\initui.src 0 string RID_SW_SHELLRES FLD_DOCINFO_INFO4 13691 en-US Info 3 2002-02-02 02:02:02

Note that although the GSI file does not list the original string "Info 4", the string IDs say "INFO2" to "INFO4", where the original strings themselves are "Info 1" to "Info 3". Is this an error that should be reported?

(b) calc/30518 and calc/30540

Strings "X axis", "Y axis" and "Z axis" are untranslated. These strings _with those accelerators_ do not occur in the GSI file. I found that the French team had reported this error [issue 80440 [2]] but the bug was marked FIXED. I have added the information that it is not fixed in loc21 for Vietnamese. Do I reopen the bug? Does this affect any other languages?

(c) calc/64051

The XML filter dialogue lists untranslated filetypes ("Calc File", "Writer File" etc.). Where can we translate these strings?

(d) calc/1493893120

Insert Table: the table field types ("Formatted text", "Number and cell formats" etc.) are not translated. Where can we translate these strings?

(e) draw/10475, 27372, 703725568

The unit "Pixel" is not translated in these dialogues, despite being translated in various places in the GSI file, and appearing translated in other dialogues. Where can we translate this string?

(f) html/20620

Autotext dialogue: untranslated item names. Where can we translate these strings?

(g) master/53239

The names and contents of the headings, table and image are not translated. Where do I translate them?

(h) writer/33357

None of these items are translated. Where do I find them? They look like a Help listing.

(i) writer/34320

Layout names not translated. Where do I translate them?

Dialogues sometimes show strings with accelerators which don't have accelerators (original or translated string) in the GSI file.

Why would this occur? Evidently OpenOffice.org is arbitrarily assigning accelerators to dialogue text.

Please see the screeshot calc/32989. The strings displayed occur in the GSI file, but without accelerators:
svtools source\contnr\templwin.src 0 string STR_SVT_NEWDOC 200 en- US New Document 2002-02-02 02:02:02 svtools source\contnr\templwin.src 0 string STR_SVT_MYDOCS 200 en- US My Documents 2002-02-02 02:02:02 svtools source\contnr\templwin.src 0 string STR_SVT_TEMPLATES 200 en-US Templates 2002-02-02 02:02:02 vtools source\contnr\templwin.src 0 string STR_SVT_SAMPLES 200 en- US Samples 2002-02-02 02:02:02

In the screenshot, at least one of the accelerators assigned arbitrarily by OpenOffice.org conflicts with the carefully-chosen accelerators on the button texts. What can I do about this?

And in any case, should OpenOffice.org be arbitrarily assigning accelerators to our strings without our input??

(b) calc/33783

The "Right" (Phải) item is missing an accelerator in the GSI file, although the dialogue has applied one:

svx source\dialog\border.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_BORDER FT_LEFT 34 en-US ~Left 2002-02-02 02:02:02 svx source\dialog\border.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_BORDER FT_RIGHT 34 en-US Right 2002-02-02 02:02:02 svx source\dialog\border.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_BORDER FT_TOP 34 en-US ~Top 2002-02-02 02:02:02 svx source\dialog\border.src 0 fixedtext RID_SVXPAGE_BORDER FT_BOTTOM 34 en-US ~Bottom

Should this be reported as a bug?

3. Delimiting units

Please see the screenshots draw/10644_1, 33780, 33799, 33816

The unit "degrees" (độ) is not delimited from the number. I don't understand why we're not using a º (degree) symbol here, since we are using the % (percentage) symbol. So either we use º and don't delimit, or we use "degrees" and delimit. The current situation is incorrect. The percentage sign is delimited (incorrect), the degree word is not (incorrect), while the cm units are. Doubly inconsistent.

In impress/878837760, the unit "seconds" (giây) is also not delimited from the number. This makes it rather difficult to read.

Unit _names_ should be delimited from numbers, while unit _symbols_ should not. Should I report an issue about this?

Thankyou for any help you can offer about this. :)

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

[1] http://www.riverland.net.au/~clytie/OpenOffice/untranslated_text/

[2] http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=80440

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