Hi Olivier,

Olivier Hallot wrote:

Sorry to jump in so late...

Pootle seems to be an interesting tool for pt-BR as well... but before I ask to put pt-BR in it, I'll appreciate to have a glimpse into it's future in the project. So, will pootle be the official translation tool in the future or is there another tool under investigation. If affirmative, why so many languages are out of it...

Calling Pootle *the official translation tool* - as Charles pointed out is not really correct since the Native Teams can decide which way is best for them to localize OOo. However, a few months ago we decided to have one central Pootle to use as central translation portal instead of having different ones and to share between Sun, Wordforge and Community the administration tasks.

On the Pootle server on sunvirtuallab we currently have 8 languages and this is mainly because it's only with the 2.3 release that we have started deploying this tool. An that's really good because in this way we had the possibility to fix important issues while minimizing the risks associated with the usage of a *new* tool.

We plan more and more languages to be uploaded to Pootle and definitively, if you like it, Brazilian can be uploaded after the 2.4 release.

What are the advantages and drawbacks for using pootle, specially for editing and typing?. So far I was using po/pot with kbabel, but I tend to think that tool needs improvement on big jobs such as the latest translation update (2.4). Will pootle help us there besides not having to deal with sdf files...?

The advantages I see using Pootle are:
- translation statistics at a glance
- central repository of translation content
- easy download of files to be translated and easy upload of translated files
- translators can use their preferred translation tool to translate
- integrated on line translation
- easy assignment of files to translate

and going forward Pootle will make it possible to the teams to translate on an ongoing basis without the need of concentrating the translation work within a *rigid* translation schedule.

Kind Regards,

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