Hi all,

let me try to start discussion about the l10n.openoffice.org site reconstruction.

For those who couldn't join either of the 2 last IRC sessions:
We are planning to redesign the l10n site in a similar way as the QA (qa.openoffice.org) site. The major goals of the recostruction are:
- updating the site content
- making it easy for newcomers to join the project (clear information about the l10n project, how to contribute etc.)
- simplifying the site navigation and structure

And we also have an open Action Item from the last IRC meeting.

I've created a wiki page with a schedule here: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/L10n_Web_Pages_Reloaded

Since the site reconstruction is not a task for a single person, I'd like to ask you for help.

And now the Action Item:
What we need as part of Step 1 and 2, is to find people who will take care of some of the documents that we currently have on the site. It's the "Responsible person" column in the table here: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/L10n_Web_Pages_Reloaded#Documents_on_the_site

Feel free to take any of these documents and decide what to do with it - there are basically 4 options, see Step 2 on the wiki page (don't forget to add yourself to the table if you decide to be the Responsible person for a specific document). I guess more than half of the documents can be moved to the wiki, but this is what the Responsible person should decide.

Once we are ready with analyzing the current site content, we will proceed to the creation of new content (information for newcomers etc.) and designing the new site structure.

Comments are welcome!

Have a nice weekend,

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