2009/9/6 Frank Peters <f...@sun.com> je nakracal:
> This and other lists are not for venting. While I understand your
> frustration, it would be better to shout at your room mate
> if you want to vent.

Mind your imagination, please.

> Mind your tone, please.
> Apparently, those changes came in by error. So we need to evaluate
> how that happened and how it can be prevented in the future. Accusing
> co-contributors of being malicious or inconsiderate will certainly
> not facilitate this effort.

So, please, (and I am minding my tone), who did these changes? Who is
responsible? Who did QA? This did already happen some milestones ago
and this time the person doing the QA should be aware of those
problemes and could just take a test SDF and check how many "      "
are in the English files (to be sure that same errors did not happen).
Even such simple action on the part of QA rep would stopping this from
getting into m57.

Of course, such simple test would not locate errors that are happening
lately when <emph></emph> and other tags get "granulated" - split into
several tags even if that is not necessary. Like (this is not an
actual error I found, just a schematic example):
<emph>Save as</emph> -> <emph>Save </emph><emph><emph>as ...</emph>
Usually happens with a bit longer texts, probably an editor software
with support for tag recognition and correction finds a string split
into several lines (although it isn't) and auto-corrects by adding
starting/closing tags.

Due to the heavy changes in help and all these errors and further
necessary updates (to eliminate the unwanted spaces and tabs, unless
you will keep them in for 3.2 and undo them on the road to 3.3) - will
the deadline for translation delivery be prolonged?

Lp, m.

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