Sophie wrote:

> Hi Eike,
> In an exchange with Goran this summer, you discussed the support of 
> RFC4646 tags and ODF 1.2 attribute enhancements to add more than one 
> language variant or dialects. This is not supported currently in OOo.
> You said also that you need time to workout a concept to pass tags and 
> script to API structure.
> Do you have an idea of when this support will be added to OOo? It's not 
> to put pressure on your shoulders, only to have an idea :)
> The issue we face in FR project is different than Goran one, this is we 
> have more than one spelling allowed for a same word and need to let the 
> choice of two spellcheckers to the user.

That looks as if it was something completely different. Maybe Metadata
would be a solution for that problem?


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