Just curious; entering QATrack, would that be doable/useful
for a language which has not yet reached 80% translated UI ?

For example; Icelandic is now up to 68% UI translated, it
will take some time before getting to the 80% mark. It was
included in langpack creation
but at that moment we were at 51%. We also roll our own
(full-install) packages (OOo-3.2.0m6), and so far without
any problems (except one small Ubuntu-related one).
So, I was just vondering when we should initiate the

Sveinn í Felli

On 12/28/2009 02:04 PM, Sophie wrote:
> Hi all,
> With some delay, here is a reminder for all of you who want to test l10n
> builds.
>     *  Builds to test appear in QATrack and NL project leads are
> notified by e-mail and RSS. If you wish to test a build which has not
> appeared on QATrack yet, send a request to the d...@qa.openoffice.org
> mailing list.
>     * The lead of the NL project registers users (testers) in the TCM
> and assigns them various test scenarios. (At least the "Release Sanity"
> scenario should be assigned once per platform).
>     * The testers make the tests, and enter the results in the TCM.
>     * The lead enters the status of the testing to the QATrack
>     * After the tests have been done, you update the status page and
> file an issue in IssueZilla, stating that the build is ready for
> distribution. Use this link as template.
>     * Then you update your project page to announce the availability of
> your localized builds :)
> Note: for all builds (RC1, RC2...., RCN) the tests are the same in TCM.
> Simply update the status of bugs in the current release.
> In case full TCM tests are not possible because of lack of time or
> testers, you can follow the easier path with Sanity Check Of L10n Builds
> [1]. You can skip then all TCM-related steps. Remember, though: the more
> tests, the less bugs in the software. But don't forget to file an issue
> stating that the build is available and the link to the build.
> All the links and indications are available on the wiki page [2]
> Don't hesitate if you have any question.
> Kind regards
> Sophie
> [1]http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Sanity_Check_Of_L10n_Builds
> [2]http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/NLC/localizedQA
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