Dear Localizers,

the release of the OOo 3.2 version is approaching and it's time to start recognizing the great work you have done and are still doing :-) .

As a sign of recognition of the great contribution to the Localization Project (translation, l10n testing, etc...), I will be pleased to send you some giveaways. I also know that there are contributors who would like to receive Certificates who acknowledge their localization work. Therefore, I am asking all Native-Language project leads to help me gathering names and addresses of all those who would like to receive a printed Certificate and or giveaways.

Please send me directly an email with the subject * Giveaways for Localization Contributions* or * Certificates for Localization Contributions* - with the names and addresses of the contributors specifying name, address and language you contributed to.

Kind Regards,

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