
Easy. The rules on Launchpad are wrong. I hadn't seen those as I tend not to use Launchpad but prefer to handle gd localisations at each project's source and localising and OS is not high on the list of priorities right now. But thanks for pointing those out, I'll see if I can get those amended.

Irish has a similar problem. Kevin Scannell once explained that in the early days of the web some enthusiastic person put out a bad plural ruleset for Irish and he's been chasing it around cyberspace ever since. I'm also trying to get the right rules onto Unicode but those guys make the Siachen Glacier look like a MiG.

Thanks for the headsup again!


11/01/2011 13:33, Sgrìobh F Wolff:
Hi Michael

I'm trying to build the plural support into Pootle and Virtaal for
future releases. I just realised that the plural rules discussed in the
article on the Mozilla site is entirely different from this one:

Can you maybe shed some light on this? They don't seem to even be close
to each other, so I'd like to ensure that we do the right thing. Some of
the differences I note:

0 file
11 files
12 files
20 files

These would select different forms between the two described ways.

Hopefully we can add support in our tools soon.

Keep well

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