I am trying to develop spellckecker for my mother tongue which,
allthough similar, differs quite a lot from Latvian.
For example in diminitive forms there is changing of vovels (and in
some cases - not only vovels) - for example with changing part in
#grāda - gr[ie]deņa
#rynda - r[iņ]deņa
#rogovys - r[a]g[a]venis
#smylga - sm[iļdz]eņa
#sokys - s[ac]enis
#styga - st[idz]eņa
#vosora - v[a]s[a]reņa
while change of consonant happens at the word's end (usually - g-dz,
k-c) and for me is clear how to deal with such things, I have no idea
how to code the change of vovels __in whole__ word.
any ideas?
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